
Governor Kasich signs Ohio's Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix & Restoration of Rights bills into law

From left: Larry Moore (BFA), James Wheeler, Rep. Ron Maag, Janet Maag, Gov. John Kasich, Rep. Jarrod Martin, Samantha Cotten (Leg. Aide), Joe Eaton (BFA), Gerard Valentino (BFA) Buckeye Firearms Association Leaders were on hand Thursday, June 30, for the signing of Senate Bill 17 (Ohio's Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix law) and House Bill 54 (Restoration of Rights), by Republican Governor...

Letters to the editor provide common sense answers to newspapers' objections to restaurant carry legislation

In the run-up to final passage of Restaurant Carry legislation in Ohio, newspaper editorial pages have been filled with dire warnings of what would happen if the bill became law. The letters-to-the-editor sections, on the other hand, have been filled with common-sense responses from fair-minded readers. Following are just a few examples. The following letter to the editor appeared in The Columbus...

The Idiot Chronicles, Volume 4: Your elected Representative Mark Okey

by Ken Hanson, Esq. "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." While there is no definitive source for this quote (conflicting sources have it going all the way back to Napoleon), it clearly encompasses two things that are happening in the media coverage of the two Restaurant Carry bill spending in the Ohio General Assembly. The malice is coming from those opposing...

Reps. Michael Foley and Bill Patmon: Blaming the many for the sins of a few

by Chad D. Baus On May 11, 2011, during House debate on Restaurant Carry legislation, two Ohio state representatives took to the floor to explain their opposition to the bill. Both Representatives Michael Foley (D-14) and Bill Patmon (D-10) blamed their refusal to support the Second Amendment rights of Ohioans because of a few extreme examples of licensed individuals breaking the law. Consider...

The Idiot Chronicles, Volume 3: Random Elected Representative Comments You Might Have Missed

by Ken Hanson, Esq. "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." While there is no definitive source for this quote (conflicting sources have it going all the way back to Napoleon), it clearly encompasses two things that are happening in the media coverage of the two Restaurant Carry bill spending in the Ohio General Assembly. The malice is coming from those opposing...

Attorney General Mike DeWine to form "Gun Crime Advisory Group"

by Jim Irvine Attorney General Mike DeWine (R) has announced that he will form an advisory group "to deal with the huge problem of convicted felons who are using guns" while they are committing more crimes. "There are a relatively small number of individuals in the state who commit the vast majority of violent crimes," DeWine said. It may be concerning to gun owners that DeWine cited a flawed...

Anti-gun Columbus Dispatch editorial signals death of newspapers' relevance in shaping public policy debates

[ Editor's Note: The following was submitted to The Columbus Dispatch as a guest op-ed response to the newspaper's June 22 editorial on the introduction of HB256, entitled "Half-Cocked" . The Dispatch not only chose not to publish the editorial - they did not even offer the courtesy of a response. ] by Ken Hanson The recent Dispatch editorial "Half-cocked" (June 22, 2011) is less an editorial and...

Representative Adams introduces HB256: Constitutional Carry

by Jim Irvine Representative John Adams (R-78) of Sidney, Ohio has introduced House Bill 256 . HB256 is identical to Adam's HB129 from 2009 and HB225 from 2007, and substantially similar to HB91 from 2005 and HB559 from 2004 (the latter two having been sponsored by then-Representative Tom Brinkman). HB256 would repeal many of the onerous provisions of our current concealed carry law and allow law...

Sportsmen Win Major Courtroom Battle Over Hunting on Public Lands

(Columbus, OH) – The lengthy battle over hunting access on dozens of units of the 100 million acre National Wildlife Refuge system has ended—and hunters can declare VICTORY! In April 2011, federal Judge James S. Gwin ruled for sportsmen across America by granting summary judgment in favor of the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance Foundation, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and other defendants while...

Holding the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) Accountable

[Editor's Note: The National Shooting Sports Foundation's Larry Keane recently updated NSSF members as follows: "The non-profit watchdog group has gone on the offensive with two full page advertisements running in the LA Times , educating the public that the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) gives less than one percent of its budget to local animal shelters. Last year,...

Wisconsin State Legislature Passes Landmark Right-to-Carry Legislation

Both chambers of the Wisconsin state legislature have voted to approve one of the nation's strongest Right-to-Carry license bills, by solid bipartisan margins. Senate Bill 93, which was strongly backed by the National Rifle Association, now goes to Governor Scott Walker for his expected signature. When signed, it will leave Illinois as the only state that provides no way for citizens to carry...

Ohio concealed handgun license-holder defends own life when attacked by two men at gas station

Dayton Police say a man who was being robbed at a local gas station turned the table on his two attackers, shooting one of them. According to WRGT, Dayton's Fox affiliate, the attack happened late Friday, June 17 at the Sunoco station. Police said the robbery victim, a concealed handgun license-holder, was being beaten by two men when he drew his gun and fired. The injured robber, Brandon Turner...

Fast and Furious Heating Up "The Hill"

by Jim Shepherd Seems nothing gets administration members trips under the bus quicker than being caught doing something questionable. Heavy emphasis, unfortunately, is on the "caught" portion of the sentence. Seems it's anything goes when it comes to operating in the shadows. As Congressman Darrell Issa's scathing report and equally damning hearings last week pointed to a massive operational...

SB17 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix) and HB54 (Restoration of Rights) – Just what do they do?

by Jim Irvine and Ken Hanson It has been a long wait, but critical legislation for gun owners has finally been passed by the Ohio legislature. It is important to note that the law will remain unchanged for several months and citizens are reminded to comply with existing restrictions until the new law becomes effective. After the bills passed the House and Senate, it was necessary that SB17 and...

CCRKBA calls for special prosecutor in ATF debacle

BELLEVUE, WA – Following more than four hours of testimony before a House committee [June 15] by a U.S. Senator, government whistleblowers and relatives of a slain Border Patrol agent, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is calling for the immediate suspension, without pay, of all supervisors involved in a controversial gunrunning sting operation, including the acting...

Buckeye Firearms Foundation joins SAF-led coalition in amicus re: Colorado carry case

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation has been joined by 17 other firearms rights groups in an amicus brief filed in a case now before the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, challenging laws that prohibit the carrying of firearms by law-abiding non-resident U.S. citizens in Denver, Colorado. The case, Peterson v. Garcia , was filed by Washington state resident Gray Peterson, who cannot...

Ohio Oil and Gas Bill Amended To Protect Sportsmen and Conservation Dollars

Last week the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance (USSA) alerted sportsmen of a threat to their federal conservation dollars in House Bill 133, sponsored by Representative John Adams (R- Sidney). On Tuesday, the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resources voted to amend the bill to include necessary protections for Ohio sportsmen. Before the amendment, language in the bill could...

Strategically-timed, Joyce Foundation-funded "study" conveniently links gun ownership and carrying a gun to heavy alcohol use

by Chad D. Baus One day before Ohio's Restaurant Carry legislation came to a final vote, and after more than two years of debate and countless media articles and editorials repeating the mantra that "guns and alcohol don't mix," the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) released a "study" which they claimed proves that "gun owners who carry concealed weapons or have confronted another person...

SB17 will allow CHL-holder to obtain expungement of prior conviction of improper firearm handling in motor vehicle

by Chad D. Baus More than two months after it was amended into Senate Bill 17 , The Columbus Dispatch is finally reporting on an amendment contained in the legislation which will allow people who were convicted of improperly transporting a firearm under the current law to receive relief if they would have been in compliance under the law as amended in SB17. From the article : The new gun bill...

Buckeye Firearms Chair Jim Irvine to Speak at the "We the People Convention" in Columbus

by Jason Mihalick Buckeye Firearms Chairman, Jim Irvine, will be conducting a breakout session entitled "How to Run an Effective Volunteer Political Action Committee" at the first annual "We The People Convention," which runs from July 1st to July 2nd at the Columbus Convention Center. Mr. Irvine is scheduled to speak first thing Saturday morning, July 2nd, at 8AM. His speech will cover many of...

House Democrats Urge President to End Stonewalling on "Gunrunner"

On Friday, June 03, 2011, 31 U.S. House members -- all Democrats -- wrote to President Barack Obama, urging him to end Administration stonewalling on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' "Project Gunrunner," and the "Fast and Furious" program under which border state dealers were encouraged to sell thousands of guns to suspicious buyers. In the letter, spearheaded by Rep...

OH General Assembly passes SB17 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix) and HB54 (Restoration of Rights); Kasich will sign!

Editor's Note: This article was updated as information became available. The Ohio General Assembly has passed Senate Bill 17 , sponsored by Senator Tim Schaffer (R), which will allow citizens who hold a valid concealed handgun license (CHL) to carry a firearm in restaurants. To do so, license holders may not consume any alcohol and must not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. According to...

LIVE streaming of important debate & floor votes on Restaurant Carry TODAY!

Buckeye Firearms Association leaders will be on hand in the Statehouse today, Wednesday, June 15 , as important debate and votes on Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix legislation (SB17) and Restoration of Rights legislation (HB54) are held. Click here for more information on what to expect today. [UPDATE 2:38pm - HB54 passed the Senate 24 - 9. Now to the Governor! [UPDATE 2:40pm - SB17 passed...

HB263: New bill bans private gun show sales and creates gun registry

by Chad D. Baus "So what's to guarantee me that, you know, any one of the members in this chamber who hold a concealed carry wouldn't shoot me in the head?" - Representative Tracy Maxwell Heard in floor debate over HB45, May 11, 2001 With that one ignorant statement, Rep. Tracy Heard (D-26) apparently proved to the radical gun ban lobby that she was the perfect choice to carry water for proposed...

Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix (SB17) and Restoration of Rights (HB54) pass House & Senate committees; Floor votes pending

Two pro-gun bills, one of which would make critical improvements to Ohio's concealed carry laws, have been passed by House and Senate committees. The House Committee on State Government and Elections, which is chaired by BFA "A" -rated Rep. Bob Mecklenborg, passed SB17 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix) with a 12 - 10 vote mostly party line vote (the only Republican to join the Democrats in...

Bartenders' irrational fear of Ohio's law-abiding gun owners is sickening

by Brent Greer The Ohio General Assembly, in the Ohio Senate and Ohio House of Representatives, have passed two different bills that -- essentially -- allow the carry of concealed firearms into restaurants and certain establishments that serve alcohol. Of course, the usual suspects are waving their arms in their best Chicken Little fashion and predicting all sorts of rapturish, end-of-the-world...

House Speaker says SB17 (Restaurant/Car Carry Rules Fix) should get a vote in the House this week, be sent to governor

True to his word offered on June 2, when he promised Restaurant & Carry Carry Rules Fix legislation would receive a final vote before his chamber breaks for the summer, Speaker William Batchelder (R-Medina) is saying that his chamber plans to move the Senate's version (SB17) as early as this Wednesday, June 15. From the Dayton Daily News : Legislation to permit concealed carry permit holders...

"Gunrunner" investigation heating up on the Hill

by Jim Shepherd [This] week, the U.S. House of Representatives begins hearings entitled "Obstruction of Justice: Does the Justice Department Have to Respond to Lawfully Issued and Valid Congressional Subpoena?" According to Washington insiders, this hearing is the amping up of the ongoing battle between members of Congress and the Department of Justice over the Congressional investigation of the...

The Idiot Chronicles, Volume 2 : Your Elected Representative Michael Foley

by Ken Hanson, Esq. "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." While there is no definitive source for this quote (conflicting sources have it going all the way back to Napoleon), it clearly encompasses two things that are happening in the media coverage of the two Restaurant Carry bill spending in the Ohio General Assembly. The malice is coming from those opposing...

Op-ed: "Guns in restaurants – another viewpoint"

[ Editor's Note: The following op-ed was published in the Greene County Dailies (Xenia Gazette, Fairborn Herald and Beavercreek News). ] by Larry S. Moore The liberal mainstream media has mounted a full court press against HB45 and SB17, which will allow guns into venues that serve alcohol. Smaller media outlets, such as the Greene County Dailies, either willingly help their agenda by reprinting...


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