
5 Things to Do After a Shooting

What you say or do after a self defense shooting can mean the different between freedom and imprisonment. Here is Massad Ayoob explaining what he teaches his students to do immediately after defending their life with a firearm. From our friends at Second Call Defense ...

When the Killer’s Gun Jams…Can you Recognize an Opportunity for Action?

I’ve written quite a bit about malfunctioning guns over the years. I published Criminals and the Guns They Carry . That article was a study of all the unloaded broken and malfunctioning guns police take from criminals. A couple weeks later I wrote Weapon Malfunctions in the Active Shooter Environment about how commonly killers’ guns jam when they are engaged in a shooting spree. I guess I’m not...

NSSF Infographic: Gun Sales Up, Crime Rates Down

With gun control advocates in Congress continuing to beat the drum on restricting Americans' Second Amendment rights, it's important to remember the facts are on our side. As NSSF's new infographic shows, violent crime continues its downward trend, even as the firearms market has seen more and more growth over the past two decades. Fortunately we also see the number of firearm accidents dropping...

FASTER Saves Lives: Who Will Protect Your Children at School?

Not a month goes by without a news report of an active shooter situation somewhere in the United States. If you look at the FBI statistics (which have only been updated to 2013), they are constantly on the rise. If only the police could get there faster, to protect our children at school. I spent many years substitute teaching while my boys were in grade school. Eventually I earned my teaching...

Understanding the Miranda warning and what it means to you

The Miranda warning, sometimes referred to as your Miranda rights, is a warning police give to criminal suspects after they are taken into custody. The purpose of the Miranda warning depends on whether you are the law enforcement officer or the suspect. From a suspect's point of view, it is to remind you that you have a 5th Amendment right to remain silent and not incriminate yourself. From an...

Knox County concealed carry instructors indicted for teaching short classes; Dozens of licenses suspended

The Columbus Dispatch reported last week that a Knox County grand jury has indicted two former NRA-certified instructors on a combined 50 felony counts, accused of falsifying certificates of completion for the concealed handgun license courses. From the article : Robert Hess, 55,of Loudonville, was indicted on 38 counts of forgery, and John Fisher, 36,of Cardington, was indicted on 12 counts. All...

Massachusetts Attorney General Unilaterally Bans Thousands of Previously Legal Guns

On July 19, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey issued an “ enforcement notice ” that greatly expands the Commonwealth’s definition of “assault weapon.” AG Healey alleges that the ban’s definition of “copy” or “duplicate” “assault weapons” has been misinterpreted for the last 18 years and she is simply the first law enforcement official to discover this incorrect interpretation...

Senator Rob Portman surges ahead of Strickland in polls following stand against gun control proposals

The post recent Quinnipiac University poll of three swing states shows U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) opening up a seven-point lead on anti-gun rights Democrat Ted Strickland. According to the poll , Sen. Portman leads Mr. Strickland 47-40%. Last month, Quinnipiac’s survey found the pair were locked in a dead heat, and earlier in the contest, Mr. Portman trailed by as much as nine points. I...

Chris W. Cox Delivers the Straight Truth on Hillary Clinton and the Second Amendment

[Last week], NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox addressed the Republican National Convention about the grave threat to the Second Amendment posed by a Hillary Clinton presidency. [The next day], Clinton’s attack dogs were out in force, desperately trying to discredit the case Mr. Cox methodically built against her. But Clinton’s campaign knows that the truth is to her presidential...

Butler Co. Sheriff Richard Jones discusses call to arms for civilian staff on

Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones is receiving international attention for his decision to urge his civilian staff with a valid Ohio concealed handgun license (CHL) to carry their firearms within the department’s headquarters at 705 Hanover St. in Hamilton, OH. Sheriff Jones is also encouraging employees to carry their weapon while operating any department vehicle away from the headquarters...

The Myth of “Declining” Gun Ownership

Americans are buying guns at an unprecedented rate and have been doing so for some time, but is gun ownership declining, as gun control supporters claim? Gun control supporters want politicians to believe that it is, on the theory that politicians are more likely to vote for restrictions if they think that opponents of restrictions are in the minority. Are gun control supporters guilty of what...

Op-Ed: John Kasich Can’t Just Suspend Ohio’s Gun Laws

As the Republican National Convention began in Cleveland, prominent Democrats joined with local police in calling for Ohio Gov. John Kasich to suspend the state’s open-carry law during the convention. Sherrod Brown, a progressive Democrat who represents Ohio in the U.S. Senate, went even further in an interview with BuzzFeed, saying he “hope[s] that the governor would listen to the police union...

In Draft Party Platform, Democrats Regress on Gun Rights

Following the lead of their presumptive presidential nominee, the Democratic Party is set to adopt a gun control plank in their 2016 party platform that lays bare the party leadership’s antipathy towards gun rights. The draft 2016 plank marks a significant shift in the party’s approach to the issue. Out is the lip service paid to the Second Amendment contained in the last several party platforms...

Ohio Democrats join call for suspension of Second Amendment

During the runup to the March 16 primary, Democrat Senate candidate P.G. Sittenfeld staged a last-ditch effort to gain publicity for his underdog campaign by calling for a constitutional amendment to repeal Ohio's preemption law which prohibits cities from enacting laws that are more strict than state law. As Buckeye Firearms Association and several news outlets have noted since Sittenfeld's...

Violate these 4 gun safety rules at your own risk

The single most important subject for every gun owner is also the subject few gun owners ever want to talk about: safety. Why? Because to many, it's boring. It's a lot more fun to talk about the latest and greatest firearm or debate the best caliber for self defense. Right? But let's face it. Accidents happen. And there's only ONE reason they happen. In every case, without exception, an...

Bloomberg Moms Claim Eddie Eagle Message as Their Own

Imitation, so they say, is the sincerest form of flattery. But heaping condemnation on something you later steal and then try to portray as your own? Well, that’s just downright weird. And if there’s any truth to a recent blog post appearing in the New York Times, that’s what Shannon Watts – head of the Bloomberg-backed gun control group Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America – has done in...

BFA's Sean Maloney schools NBC viewers on open carry

On July 19, as the Republican National Convention opened in Ohio, Buckeye Firearms Association's Sean Maloney appeared on Cincinnati's NBC affiliate, WLWT, to educate viewers on the legality of open carry in Ohio. Maloney responded to a suggestion by Steve Loomis, the president of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association, that Governor Kasich should suspend Ohioans' constitutional right to...

The NRA and the Death of the Elite Media

The following is excerpted from the Foreword to the revised Arktos edition of Brian Anse Patrick’s The National Rifle Association and the Media: The Motivating Force of Negative Coverage . Prof. Brian Patrick introduces and summarizes his years of research into media bias against the National Rifle Association, and NRA's success in spite of this opposition, and describes what this tells us about...

Hillary Clinton: Gun Control a “Civil Rights Issue”

Inspired by the staged “sit-in” for gun control conducted by Democrats in the House of Representatives the week of June 20, Hillary Clinton said during a campaign speech in Chicago a week later “saving [people] from gun violence is a civil rights issue.” Correctly speaking, civil rights are those that are protected against infringement by government and its agents. Of course, Clinton doesn’t see...

Cleveland Police Representative Seeks to Illegally "Suspend" Gun Laws and Constitutional Rights

Steve Loomis, the president of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association, has called for Governor Kasich to suspend Ohio open carry laws during the Republican National Convention. Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) denounces this outrageous request in the strongest possible terms and calls on Loomis to retract this unconstitutional and illegal request. Loomis was quoted by CNN, saying, "We are...

Reality Check: Why FBI Terror Watch List Should NOT Be Used To Prevent Gun Purchases

In the wake of the Orlando mass shooting, there is a major push about what to do over gun control. And while some of the discussion is repetitive, what about the simple idea that if someone is on the FBI watch list, they should not be allowed to buy a gun? Is it fair? Does it make sense? This is a Reality Check you won’t see anywhere else.

(Some) Liberals Oppose Using Terror Watch List to Strip Gun Rights

It’s unfortunate that a significant portion of congressional Democrats have embraced a policy that would grant the executive branch the unconstrained power to trample individual rights. In recent weeks, Democratic senators and congressmen carried out a filibuster and a well-catered “sit-in” to advocate for the decidedly illiberal position that American citizens should be denied their...

BOOK REVIEW: Government Ruins Nearly Everything: Reclaiming Social Issues from Uncivil Servants

True to form, Laura Carno, directly talks her way through some of the most controversial issues of our time. Laura shows us how to break the mold of governmental dependence, and to stop looking towards government for the “answer.” Government Ruins Nearly Everything reminded me how often we fall into the trap of believing that when something needs fixed, we better contact our legislature, and...

Volunteer for the NRA-ILA in Ohio!

From our friends at NRA-ILA... If one thing is certain during this election cycle, the fight for our Second Amendment Rights is taking place right in front of us. Anti-gun special interests, politicians, and media elites are doing everything in their power to achieve one simple goal, strip away your Second Amendment rights. If an anti-gun president gets elected and we lose control of the U.S...

Gun Purchases Continue to Soar

Maybe Americans aren’t taking to Hillary Clinton’s sour attitude toward guns. Maybe they’re arming themselves out of concern about terrorists and criminals of a more conventional stripe. And maybe they’re showing what they think of members of Congress who use terrorists’ crimes as the excuse to push for more gun control. One way or the other, though, Americans are continuing to acquire guns at an...

Armed Heroes in Teacher’s Clothing

They don’t look like heroes, but they are. I spent several days with a group of Ohio teachers who want to protect their students. Most teachers feel the same way, but these extraordinary individuals did something about it. They took a training course. They learned to stop an armed attack in their schools. They learned to treat the injured. Rather than shelter in place and wait for the police and...

SCOTUS Decision Can Impact Gun Ownership

[Late last month,] the Supreme Court of the United States affirmed the 20-year old law barring anyone convicted of domestic violence from possessing a firearm. Regardless of your position, the 6-2 ruling, written by Justice Elena Kagan, rejected the challenge of the existing law by two men who were found guilty of felony gun possession because of previous misdemeanor domestic violence charges...

Civilian AR-15 Rifle: Our Senior Citizen

This honorable senior citizen has been disrespected and demonized by subversive elements that prefer American citizens to be unarmed. Permit me here to share a collection of clarification thoughts and expose more of the malicious opposing sound- bite propaganda and disinformation. Proudly made in America, the civilian AR-15 in .223 Remington is almost 60 years old. In 1957, three ArmaLite...

The science behind delayed interviews after a self defense shooting

When training our members on how to deal with the aftermath of a self defense shooting, we always emphasize the negative impact of stress on thinking, speaking, memory, and behavior. And for this reason, we recommend that you assert your 5th Amendment rights, speak to legal counsel before providing a statement, and strictly limit what you say or do immediately after defending yourself with a...

June 2016 firearms sales jump 28.6% over prior year

The wave of increased gun sales that followed the December 2 terrorist attack in San Bernadino, CA and President Obama's ongoing attempts to intimidate peaceable gun owners through executive actions, showed signs of abating in May. But, as we predicted, the terror attack in Orlando, FL, and more political talk about blaming law abiding gun owners or blaming inanimate objects (instead of the...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.