Cincinnati Enquirer columnist: ''You have the right to carry''

Cincinnati Enquirer columnist Peter Bronson has published an excellent piece in today's paper, and really hits home on several key issues: "Ohio is unarmed. Many expect the court to rule likewise: Ohio's ban on packing violates the simple language in the state constitution. Makes sense. How can Ohio residents "bear arms for their defense and security" if they have to leave their guns at home or...

Round 2: Will the GOP vs. Taft slugfest be good for CCW Reform?

Many of Gov. Taft's fellow Republicans in the legislature are irritated, perplexed, downright angry...with Taft. Amid the budget tumult, GOP lawmakers slammed Taft - and Taft, whose lame-duck status seemed to make him more vocal, lobbed back. Republicans in the 99-member Ohio House could not point to an overt Taft ally within their 62-member caucus. Some say the rift exists because Taft is much...

FLASHBACK: ''Packin' Heat - Queen City of the Wild West''

As we approach the onset of hearings the House and Senate on HB12, the steering commitee of OFCC PAC (and also OFCC) are hard at work to be prepared with FACTS to counter the obligatory rhetoric that will be spouted by the liberal anti-self-defense crowd. We know we'll hear the same, tired, fear-based warnings about what might happen if "citizens carry hidden, loaded guns." Despite the fact that...

9 year-old book proves Ohio Highway Patrol/ Taft wrong

As we have been reporting for some time now, all indications are that the Ohio Highway Patrol will again offer to carry the water for Gov. Taft by opposing HB12 due to "officer safety" concerns, unless self-defense is banned in vehicles. There has NEVER been an incident involving the threatening of an officer by a CCW permit-holder at a traffic stop (in 44 states!). On the other hand, there are...

''Don't Get Borned'' Pt. 2: Many more citizens who couldn't 'just drive away'

By Chad D. Baus In Pt. 1 of the Reality Check for the Ohio Highway Patrol , we told you about Ohio Highway Patrol Capt. John Born expressing the OHP's opposition to any bill that would allow citizens their right to self-defense in an automobile. "We do not want a loaded firearm readily accessible to the driver of a car,'' said Born. When presented with the fact that a firearm is useless in a...

New online poll asks if legislators should ban CCW in vehicles to appease Taft

A new survey has been added to the OFCC PAC website, inquiring as to whether or not the General Assembly should add language to HB12 which would ban license-holders from carrying their firearms in their vehicles, in order to appease Gov. Taft and the Ohio Highway Patrol.

Madison (County) Press: House Speaker Householder coming to town

Madison County's Lincoln Day Dinner will feature the Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives, Larry Householder. Householder has been a staunch supporter of the restoration of self-defense rights in Ohio via concealed carry reform. The annual GOP event will be held Friday, February 28, beginning at 6 p.m., in the First United Methodist Church, 52 N. Main St., London. A social hour and dinner...

Pro-CCW Rep. Jeffrey Manning (R-57) resigns; appointed as Lorain Co. Prosecutor

The Gongwer News Agency is reporting that State Rep. Jeffrey Manning, a second term Republican from North Ridgeville, will resign to accept appointment as Lorain County prosecutor. Mr. Manning won appointment to the post after Lorain County Republican Party members voted Tuesday night to have him replace Greg White, who was nominated by President Bush as U.S. attorney for the northern district of...


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