Website Polls Cover Fallout from Senate CCW Vote

On December 11, a poll was posted on this website's upper right-hand column, asking for opinion on whether or not Speaker Householder should reconvene the House for a vote on the Senate's drastically amended version HB274. Nearly 250 votes were logged in less than 24 hours, with votes AGAINST the House returning leading by around 75%. A previous poll, asking whether or not the Senate should amend...

Blade: Toledo's handgun ban to die without new OK

Last month, we reported that Toledo's ban on so-called "Saturday Night Specials" was about to sunset , to the rabid dismay of the Ohio Coalition of Gun Violence. We made you aware that the OCAGV was calling upon their supporters to urge enforcement of the ban, stating that "we will be expected to prove that the Toledo SNS ordinance is worthwhile and effective." The Toledo Blade is now reporting...

Columbus Dispatch: House unlikely to reconvene unless Taft signals approval

This story in the Dispatch outlines OFCC's key reason for opposing this amended Substitute bill - a highly dangerous "safe storage" poison pill inserted by Senator Jacobson at the demands of Gov. Taft. "Legislation permitting many Ohioans to carry concealed weapons appears to be within an inch of being enacted -- but it might as well be a mile." "The main stumbling block involves guns in cars...

Xenia Gazette: Concealed gun law approved by state

This article in the Xenia Gazette provides a good summary of the restrictions for applicants as specified by the Senate's version of HB274. It also includes a quote from Senator Steve Austria, who, while acknowledging the bills' imperfection, said that "he feels that the Senate’s version of the legislation includes measures that will make communities safer, such as, keeping guns out of the hands...

Cleveland Plain Dealer: Ohio Senate OKs concealed-gun bill

The Ohio Senate approved a bill yesterday legalizing concealed weapons for most Ohioans, despite the continued opposition of Gov. Bob Taft. House leaders said that without a promise from Taft to sign the bill they do not intend to bring lawmakers back for a vote on the bill. That decision [if it remains firm] will kill the bill for now, though the House intends to reintroduce its version after...

Morning Journal Editorial: ''Ohioans are safer'' without CCW

What is it about the major media having such blatant misunderstanding on this issue? Or is it something else - like deliberate disinformation, flying in the face of reality represented in 44 other CCW states? Either way, those who enjoy writing letters to the editor will want to read and respond to this rubbish, printed in the Morning Journal. A comments section is also available at the bottom of...

Dayton Daily News: Senate approves concealed-carry bill

The Ohio Senate approved legislation Tuesday giving Ohioans the right to carry concealed handguns, but it still appears unlikely that a final version of the bill will get to Gov. Bob Taft’s desk before the end of the year. The Senate vote was 20-11, with two members absent. House Speaker Larry Householder, R-Glenford, said again Tuesday that the House has no plans to come back to consider the...

Clear Channel stations report on bill's passage from committee

WTAM 1100 began playing this news report on the radio following the passage of amended Sub. HB274 from Senate committee. It is likely that this was played on Clear Channel stations statewide. You can find that audio clip on the WTAM website or you can click here to access the downloads section for our archived version (35 sec., requires MP3 player).


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