Buckeye Firearms Assoc.'s Joe Eaton to participate in roundtable discussion at Dayton Peace Museum

Buckeye Firearms Association's Treasurer Joe Eaton will be participating in a roundtable discussion on the proposed changes to Ohio's self-defense laws on Saturday May 3 at the Dayton Peace Museum ( www.daytonpeacemuseum.org ). Rep. Fred Strahorn (D-39) and others are scheduled to also participate in the discussion. This roundtable discussion will take place at 2:00pm as part of the current...

New name, same lie: Bloomberg gun control group loses board member after misrepresenting group's intentions

According to former members , as well as internal emails obtained by Buckeye Firearms Association and MediaTrackers.org, anti-gun-rights billionaire Michael Bloomberg's now-defunct gun control group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), sought to gain members by intentionally deceiving them on what the group was actually all about. Many mayors, both here in Ohio and across the nation, dropped out...

Firearms Industry Honors U.S. Rep. Bob Latta as 2013 Legislator of the Year

NEWTOWN, Conn. -- The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry, honored U.S. Rep. Bob Latta (R-Ohio) as NSSF's 2013 Legislator of the Year at the organization's recent annual dinner in Washington, D.C., preceding the firearms industry's annual Congressional Fly-In. "We salute Congressman Latta for his...

Report: 10 years later - fewer restrictions, more concealed guns

Though the establishment media largely failed to mark the tenth anniversary of Ohio's concealed handgun licensure law on April 8, Gannett Company, publisher of a number of Ohio newspapers as well as USAToday , has finally published two lengthy articles to mark the event. The first article is entitled " 10 years later - fewer restrictions, more concealed guns ": When Ohio passed a law allowing...

Another Reason to be Concerned about Obama’s Surgeon General Nominee

On Thursday (April 10], the anti-gun American College of Physicians (ACP) came out for the entire gun control agenda being pushed at the national level, adding to the suspicion that Dr. Vivek Murthy, President Obama's nominee for Surgeon General, would do the same if confirmed to the post. To the many newspaper editors who have suggested medicine has nothing to do with gun control, and NRA has no...

Crime drops as more Americans carry guns

Editor's Note: The following op-ed was published by the Cleveland Plain Dealer . Republished by permission of the author. A rebuttal written by Mrs. Toby Hoover, entitled "Promoting weapons everywhere fosters culture of fear", was also published . At this point in the debate over the role of guns in America, only the mainstream media and zealots cling to the false hope of gun control. Few, if any...

More People “Prohibited” by SCOTUS

The Supreme Court of the US came down with a decision in March that effectively expands the base of people prohibited from purchasing or possessing firearms in this country. In a unanimous decision in the case US v. Castleman , the Court ruled that the law banning possession of firearms by anyone ever convicted of any crime of violence against a spouse or significant other – often referred to as...

Robbed and kidnapped, Ohio man pulls own gun and shoots attacker

The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that a man was robbed, then kidnapped, was able to pull his own handgun and shoot his attacker. From the article : A man who told police that he shot a robber in the neck on the Hilltop on Friday evening claims he was abducted at gunpoint and was being driven to a cash machine to withdraw money, Columbus police said yesterday. Police identified the dead man as...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.