SW Gun Skills Challenge is a HUGE success!

The sounds of good, safe, family-friendly fun echoed just outside of Oxford, Ohio last weekend as Buckeye Firearms hosted the first regional 'Gun Skills Challenge'. Just over forty shooters turned out to show support for Buckeye Firearms, meet and network with other area shooters, and generally enjoy a full day of shooting drills and scenarios. A special thanks goes out to all the Range Officers...

Scotusblog.com - "The bill for Heller: $3.5 million"

By Lyle Denniston Scotusblog.com Lawyers who won the historic Second Amendment gun rights case in the Supreme Court — District of Columbia v. Heller (07-290) — on Monday asked a federal judge to award them more than $3.5 million for attorneys’ fees, plus $13,215.30 for expenses and court costs. In a motion and memorandum filed with U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, the attorneys said that...

The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, No. 51

Taken from the most recent “Page Nine” Alan Korwin’s “The Uninvited Ombudsman Report” 1- Not Much Ammo The lamestream media told you: According to Curt Anderson of the Associated Press, a man was arrested after threatening to assassinate the President. In his car police found a loaded 9mm pistol and dozens of rounds of ammunition. The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that: A man was arrested...

No Safe Places

By Don Myers Recently, there were two Christian musicians who were leaving a recording studio and were murdered for two dollars and their car. Initially, I paid little attention to the news reports nor did I listen to the names of the two victims. Three days later, I received an e-mail from a woman friend who had received her CHL by taking my course along with her son and daughter. The e-mail...

Gun ban lobby attorneys argue to keep Texas students defenseless

The Fort Worth (TX) Star-Telegram is reporting that attorneys for the gun ban lobby have the tiny school district of Harrold in their sights. The Wichita Falls-area Texas school district recently made international news by announcing teachers with a state concealed carry permit and permission from the district would be allowed to carry handguns on campus. But according to the story, the Brady...

"F-Troop": Obama picks fellow gun ban extremist as running mate

By Chad D. Baus Now that Barack Obama has announced Delaware Senator Joe Biden as his running mate, it can be said with assurance that there could be no greater anti-Second Amendment ticket put together for Democrats if Sarah Brady hand-picked them herself. Former Joyce Foundation board member Barack Obama's anti-gun record has already been well documented on this website. His own NRA F-rated...

Buckeye Firearms Association named 2007 "NRA-ILA Volunteer Organization of the Year"

Wayne LaPierre-NRA, Jim Irvine, Linda Walker, Chad Baus & Rick Jones-BFA, Chris Cox-NRA-ILA Buckeye Firearms Association is proud to announce that we have been named the 2007 "NRA-ILA Volunteer Organization of the Year" by the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action. The announcement was made in the August 2008 issue of The EVC Update , the Official Publication for the NRA...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.