Handguns Magazine MUST READ: "Serial Killers"

As many as 10 states are considering serialization laws. “If you can’t grab their guns, get their ammo!” That’s apparently the newest gun control approach popping up in state legislatures across the country under the heading of “bullet serialization.” Advertised by the antis as a way to stop crime, bullet serialization is actually an unproven technology, which, if mandated, would increase the...

Non-Resident Licenses (When the Ohio Concealed Handgun License Isn't Enough)

Editor's Note: Laws and rules change. While the author sought to ensure accuracy at the time this article was published, it is incumbent upon the reader to verify any potential changes since then. CLICK HERE for the latest revised and expanded version. By Ken Cormack First things first – The Disclaimers: This article attempts to explain the concept of non-resident concealed carry licenses and...

The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, No. 50

Taken from the most recent “Page Nine” Alan Korwin’s “The Uninvited Ombudsman Report” 1- Are Handguns Machineguns? The lamestream media told you: Dick Heller, the security guard who won back limited gun rights in an historic decision at the Supreme Court last month, was turned down by D.C. police when he tried to register his semiautomatic handgun. District authorities decided it was not a proper...

Proof: Believe the NRA when it says gun ban extremists are lying

By Chad D. Baus Having adopted the deceptive tactics suggested a few years ago by billionaire gun-hater Andrew McKelvey, gun and hunting ban lobbyist groups go to great lengths these days to deny that their ultimate goals are to stamp out all civilian ownership of firearms, or to eradicate all forms of hunting. In response to warnings by grassroots pro-Second Amendment groups about these anti-gun...

D.C. Gun Ban: Anti-gun House Dems buckle under NRA pressure, vote to come next month

The Washington Post is reporting that Democratic leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives have agreed to allow a vote next month on a bill that would end local handgun control in the District, making it easier for D.C. residents to acquire pistols, including semiautomatics, while eliminating the strict handgun-storage requirements imposed by the city. Even as Democrats shuttered the Capitol...

The ACLU's hypocritical position on the Second Amendment

By Brian S. Stewart “The ACLU interprets the Second Amendment as a collective right. Therefore, we disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision in D.C. v. Heller .” Gun rights advocates have long charged that the ACLU are left-wing activists first, “civil rights advocates” a very distant second. The organization has confirmed it with this position , and buried their collectivist heads in the sand...

More Guns, Less Road Rage in Ohio

By Chad D. Baus The Associated Press is reporting that Ohio State Highway Patrol figures prove road rage is on the decline in Ohio. While there could be many causes for this good news (Patrol spokeswoman Anne Ralston speculates that reduced travel due to higher gas prices is having an effect), one truth is certain: Gun ban extremists' dire warnings about what would happen if Ohio passed a...

Illinois' Blagojevich and Daley – A Tale of Two Failures

By Gerard Valentino Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich recently offered to call out the Illinois National Guard to help Chicago fight the recent spike in violence that has catapulted the City into the national news. Daley didn’t immediately accept the Governor’s offer of help and the two most powerful leaders in Illinois missed the irony of the offer. There is a reason 'citizen' comes before '...


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