Buckeye Firearms Association PAC strong and growing stronger

By Jim Irvine Buckeye Firearms Association filed our post-primary report with the Ohio Secretary of State recently. Thanks to you, we are bigger and stronger than we have ever been, and we are continuing to grow. Your support truly matters. This report covered the period from February 14 to April 4, 2008. During this time we received $10,490 in donations. Most of this was attributable to our Dave...

City bans all retired officers from carrying; It's time to make police chiefs stand for election

By Gerard Valentino West Covina, CA has banned legal concealed carry by retired law-enforcement officers within city limits. The City Council was aided in their decision to disarm law-enforcement officers by one of their own – current Chief of Police Frank Willis. Angry retired officers are astonished a fellow officer would actively campaign to take away their right to self defense. They argue...

Castle Doctrine scheduled to resume hearings in House; Armed Services 18-21 scheduled for possible vote

The House Criminal Justice Committee, chaired by Rep. John White (R-38), will hear sponsor testimony on Sen. Steve Buehrer's SB184 (Castle Doctrine) which passed the Senate this week with unanimous support, on Thursday, April 24 at 9:30 a.m. in Statehouse Room 121. The House committee has already held three hearings on a House version of Castle Doctrine (HB264), which was introduced by Rep. Lynn...

SB318: Sen. Keith Faber introduces "Firearms Modernization" (Concealed Carry Fix-it) Bill

Senator Keith Faber (R-12) has introduced a bill that has been titled a Firearms Modernization bill. A more accurate description is that this is a "Concealed Carry Fix-It" bill that appears to attempt to address many of the issues Buckeye Firearms Association has been encouraging supporters to contact their elected officials about for some time now, along with a few other issues.

If the do-gooders really want to save the children, they should forget about guns and focus on doctors

By Gerard Valentino & Chad D. Baus Last month, actor Dennis Quaid took to the airwaves on 60 Minutes to speak out about a medical mistake that nearly took the life of his newborn twins. Quaid just can't seem to understand why more people aren't aware of the problem, even though he says 100,000 people are killed every year by medical mistakes (the number is probably quite a bit higher), and...

Ohio Wildlife Council Approves 2008-09 Hunting and Trapping Regulations

Opportunities expand for deer hunters and fall turkey hunters COLUMBUS, OH - September 1 will again kick off the state's fall hunting seasons - with the opening of the squirrel-hunting season that runs through January 31 - under regulations approved Wednesday by the Ohio Wildlife Council. Fall turkey hunters will enjoy expanded opportunities. They will be able to hunt the entire season, from...

UNANIMOUS: Ohio Senate Passes Castle Doctrine!

In its sixth (and final!) hearing on Ohio's Castle Doctrine legislation today, the Ohio Senate Judiciary Committee on Criminal Justice accepted yet another amended substitute SB184, passed the bill (Committee members Teresa Fedor and Shirley Smith - both Democrats - voted no, Senator Lance Mason, the third Democrat committee member, was absent). Just a few hours later, the full Senate took up...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.