Students for Concealed Carry on Campus responds to Brady conspiracy accusations: 'Prove it'

Four months after Peter Hamm, spokesperson for The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, verbally attacked the college-based, grassroots organization Students for Concealed Carry on Campus , telling a Fox News reporter, "You don't like the fact that you can't have a gun on your college campus? Drop out of school," he is stepping up the rhetoric. Not content with encouraging college students to...

Larry Moore: League of Ohio Sportsmen/Ohio Wildlife Federation Hunter Educator of the Year

Long-time Buckeye Firearms Assocation volunteer Leader Larry S. Moore has been named the League of Ohio Sportsmen/Ohio Wildlife Federation Hunter Educator of the Year. "It is exciting to be honored for hunter education work and recognized by your peers," Moore says. "There are people in the League who have been teaching for 40 years."

New Life Church Pastor Brady Boyd speaks out on church security preparedness

By Chad D.Baus Can we take the lessons learned in blood and lives at Columbine and the World Trade Center and apply them so we'll never take this [path] again, or do we have to wait until our kids die?" - Lt. Col. Dave Grossman One place where leaders made a conscious choice not to wait until their kids die was New Life Church in Colorado Springs, CO. The story of concealed handgun license-holder...

Editorial: Allow concealed carry

February 16, 2008 Dover-New Philadelphia Times-Reporter It’s time we allow concealed carry on America’s university campuses. Maybe an armed, well-trained professor might have been able to stop the graduate student who went on a shooting rampage Thursday in a Northern Illinois University lecture hall, killing six and wounded 15 before turning the gun on himself. And maybe someone with a weapon...

20 dead this month in Illinois spree killings, but the state's gun-grabbers will never get it

By Gerard Valentino How long does this have to happen? How many of my home state brethren have to die? When will people like Chicago Mayor Daley and Governor Blagojevich realize they are leaving their citizens at the whim of thugs and the deranged? The sad truth is they will never get it – they will never learn that their draconian gun policies don’t work. Chicago leads the nation in murders...

Castle Doctrine to receive second hearing in House

Ohio's Castle Doctrine legislation, which has already received three hearings in the Senate, will receive a second hearing Thursday, February 21 in the Ohio House of Representatives. The House Criminal Justice Committee , chaired by Rep. John White (R-38), will hear proponent testimony on Rep. Wachtmann's HB264 (Castle Doctrine). The hearing will be held at 9:30a.m. in Statehouse Room 121. Thank...

Denial killed NIU students; Denial is alive and well on Ohio campuses

By Chad D. Baus Following the latest multiple-victim public shooting on the Northern Illinois University campus, radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh focused his national audience on the fact that these shootings keep occurring in what he calls " these wonderful, Utopian, marvelous little college campi that is a gun-free zone ." This is another case in point where you have a liberal gun-free zone,...

HB478: Tax Relief and Gun Rights Rolled Into One

By Brian S. Stewart Ohio gun owners could get some tax relief to go along with their concealed handgun license if a recently introduced bill in the Ohio House of Representatives is passed. HB478, sponsored by State Representative Dan Dodd (D-Hebron), would "allow a refundable tax credit against the personal income tax for concealed-carry license fees." Every dollar you pay out for your license...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.