Ohio University Sportsmen/2nd Amendment Club host Ken Hanson & Larry Moore

Buckeye Firearms Association is proud to announce an opportunity to hear Attorney Ken Hanson, along with outdoor writer and leading sportsmen/Second Amendment advocate Larry Moore. They will appear as the guest speakers at the upcoming Ohio University Sportsmen/2nd Amendment Club meeting in Athens, Ohio on April 1. “Ken Hanson is an NRA instructor and competitive shooter. In addition to his...

15 Ways To Fight For Our Second Amendment Rights

By Chris Chumita The fight to keep our Second Amendment rights has had some impressive victories lately. In the past few years, we have seen more states begin to allow citizens to carry concealed firearms, the repeal of the “Clinton Assault Rifle Ban,” and the recent passage of the “Lawful Commerce In Arms Act.” Despite these victories, now is not the time for us to become complacent about our...

USSA/ Buckeye Firearms Association Forum a Huge Success

By Larry S. Moore The candidate forum led by the USSA and co-sponsored by National Wild Turkey Federation Ohio State Chapter, Buckeye Firearms Association, Gander Mountain, Ohio State Trappers Association, Pheasants Forever, and Ducks Unlimited, was well attended by sportsmen from across the state. It was, in short, a huge success demonstrating the political awareness of the gun-owning sportsmen...

Letters correct op-ed writer who makes being wrong about guns a full-time job

The Toledo Blade has published two excellent letters to the editor in which writers respond to a bigoted and derogatory op-ed published recently by anti-gun extremist Marilou Johanek. Having once expressed her (very wrong) prediction that concealed carry would present Ohio with a "worst-case scenario when road, work, or play rage finds a trigger within easy reach", Johanek deserves to have her...

Attend Free NRA-ILA ''Mix N' Mingle'' in Lorain on April 8, 2006

Earn Free NRA Items Mix N' Mingle with NRA-ILA Staff & Fellow NRA Members Help Pro-Gun Candidates How often do you get the opportunity to mix n' mingle with NRA-ILA Headquarters staff and fellow NRA members in your area, to earn FREE NRA items, and to assist with the efforts of pro-gun candidates seeking office in your area? Well, on Saturday, April 8, you will have that opportunity and it...

Life, Liberty and Disarmament

By Gerard Valentino (This commentary has also been published at CNSNews.com ) Recently, a large well known company fired five workers for having a crucifix in their cars while parked on company property. Although the workers appealed their dismissal through the courts, the search was deemed to be legal and their dismissal was upheld on the grounds that a business can rightfully ban religious...

Dispatch Editors on gun bill: Facts vs. Rhetoric (yet again)

By Gerard Valentino In the recent Editorial “Shoot it Down” the Columbus Dispatch once again insults the integrity and intelligence of Ohioans. To claim that allowing legally concealed guns in cars is somehow unsafe for law enforcement officers is laughable. From the story: Because the new bill would remove the requirements that holstered guns and cases be in plain sight, a driver or passenger...

Op-Ed: The Low-Down on Quail Hunters

By Sim Evans The furor over the Dick Cheney/Harry Whittington shoot-out in South Texas seems to be dying down, but don’t be fooled. There is more to this than meets the eye, and the ever vigilant news media will, sooner or later, get it all sorted out. Here is what they have garnered from the event so far. In a rare exhibition of good sleuthing, the media have already uncovered a possible motive...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.