Letter writers respond to DDN's Mary McCarty

One month later, the Dayton Daily News has finally published one of the letters they received in response to Mary McCarty's fear-mongering diatribe about Ohio's new concealed handgun law. March 5, 2004 Dangerous people carry guns now RE MARY MCCARTY'S FEB. 1 COLUMN, "GUN LAW conceals its danger": McCarty and Toby Hoover, executive director of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, still don't...

AGAIN: Shootings up 25% in Cincinnati

Haven't we been told that Ohio's 150 year-old concealed-carry ban was supposed to prevent headlines like these? Weren't we led to believe we'd be reading stories like this AFTER Ohio's concealed handgun law goes into effect? March 4, 2004 Cincinnati Post The latest Cincinnati "Quality of Life Index" and crime report shows that crime is slightly down, but shootings are up. The index was started by...

Cleveland business media assault on concealed carry continues

Is there something in the water at the Cleveland business media's office buildings? Inside Business Magazine March 2004 Issue Trouble Shooting The Editors [email protected] When Ohio’s new concealed handgun law takes effect April 8, it doesn’t mean employees will be allowed to stash pieces in their cubicles. But it does mean employers should consider creating or updating handgun...

Frisch's Inc. CEO claims your personal safety not at risk due to his CCW Ban

UPDATE: Frisch's Inc. signs coming down ! Frisch's Inc. has begun to respond to customers who voice their displeasure with a new interstate policy discriminating against CHL-holders in their restaurants. In a letter from President & CEO Craig F. Maier, Frisch's Inc. takes the official position that the safety of their customers "is not being compromised by our prohibition of concealed weapons...

Xenia 'Defense' Walker collects over 190,000 votes in US Senate primary

On a day when Ohio's Republican US Senators (Mike DeWine and George Voinovich) were voting to renew the Clinton Gun Ban and to put an end to gun shows (votes which killed an strongly supported legislative attempt to protect gun manufacturers from frivolous lawsuits), Ohio's conservative Republican voters were at the polls, firing another shot across the bow of the state's liberal Republican...

Op-Ed: Senate bill can end misleading debate on guns

Mar. 02, 2004 Philadelphia Enquirer by John R. Lott Jr. Gun-control advocates should fear the votes today in the Senate, but not for the reason that most people think. Some claim that letting the ban on some semiautomatic weapons expire will cause a surge of police killings and a rise in gun crimes. But in fact, letting the law expire will show the uselessness of gun-control regulations. A year...

Foxnews.com: Do Gun Control Activists Pad Gun Death Statistics?

And yet Senators Voinovich and DeWine voted with these dishonest, misleading gun ban extremists to renew the 1992 Clinton Gun Ban... Foxnews.com March 3, 2004 Last week’s release of police documents and evidence on the April, 1999, Columbine school shootings has sparked many questions — not only on the specifics of Columbine but also on the general issue of guns. The answers are unsatisfying on...

Proof yet again - gun control an utter failure in Ohio

So how again are Ohio's draconian gun control laws, which serve only to limit the rights of law-abiding citizens, supposed to be helping take guns off the streets? And what did the 1992 Clinton assault weapons ban (which received renewal 'yes' votes from Senators Voinovich and DeWine this week) do to stop this 80 round magazine from being sold in Cincinnati? NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. February...


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