Rep. Cirelli faces three in primary

Incumbent's campaign emphasizes experience Feb. 25, 2004 Akron Beacon Journal Three Democrats are challenging Rep. Mary M. Cirelli in Tuesday's primary. Cirelli, a Canton Democrat, became the 52nd District's representative in 2000. She is being challenged by William J. Healy II, Craig Massey and Thomas L. Robinson for the chance to face Republican Mandwel D. Patterson in November. Cirelli said...

Ohio newspaper editors play make believe with gun controllers

Honestly, are the editors of Ohio's major newspapers COMPLETELY bankrupt when it comes to journalistic integrity? For a look at what an agenda-driven newspaper does when liberal activist groups like Americans for Gun "Safety" release "findings": See the Columbus Dispatch: February 20, 2004: Right to know: Barring public access to federal data on guns is outrageous move January 13, 2004: 2 city...

Letter to the Editor: Anti-gun coalition is losing grip on reality

February 24, 2004 Toledo Blade Apparently still stinging from snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence is again attempting to wield its influence regarding the issue of concealed carry. Although displaying remarkable tenacity in its fight for a lost cause, the OCAGV authorized a press release on Feb. 13 encouraging all that "If you see someone with a gun...

Plenty left to do before gun law goes into effect

Attorney general must print material; sheriffs may not have staff for permits February 23, 2004 Columbus Dispatch While the state attorney general’s office wrestles with the complicated conceal/carry law for its advent April 8, proponents and opponents are waging an Internet battle to try to influence how it plays out. Anti-gun groups are lobbying businesses to ban handguns, which is allowed...

Man beaten and robbed while at work

Ohio's businesses have NO business infringing on their employees' and customers' right to bear arms for self-defense. Police seek 2 men who beat, robbed lawn-service owner February 24, 2004 Columbus Dispatch A robbery in Blendon Township is the crime of the week in the Crime Stoppers program. On Feb. 15, the owner of McLain’s Lawn Service, 6161 Westerville Rd., surprised two men stealing rock...

HIV rape suspect set free by mistake

Akron man carrying virus accused of sexual assault mistakenly let out of jail Feb. 24, 2004 Akron Beacon Journal An HIV-infected Akron man accused of raping a man and beating another was mistakenly released from the Summit County Jail almost two weeks ago. So far, sheriff's deputies have been unable to locate Patrick C. Geiger, 35, who was allowed to leave the county jail Feb. 13 on a signature...

Victim Zone: Armed robbers strike on & near near UC again

On-campus theft attempted as well February 24, 2004 The (University of Cincinnati) News Record Another armed robbery was reported early Friday morning, and an on-campus theft attempt was reported Thursday. Two men with handguns approached four students at about 1:30 a.m. Friday on Warner Street near West Clifton Avenue and demanded their money, according to the students. "We just gave them what...

Another plain-clothes officer thwarts crime

This carjacker had little way to know his intended victim was actually a plain-clothes police officer. The more armed citizens carjackers and other criminals can expect to encounter in Ohio, the fewer chances they'll take... February 20, 2004 Cincinnati Enquirer Suspect Charged With Attempted Murder Of An Officer Cincinnati Police have charged a North Fairmount man with attempted murder of an...


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