Cleveland Plain Dealer and New York Times have a lot common

On June 20, the editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Doug Clifton, wrote and published a column that contained about as much truth as we now know was contained in articles by New York Times reporter Jayson Blair. Clifton told Plain Dealer readers that HB12 "exempts all gun licensing information from the state's open records laws" and that "the state wants to...prevent you from knowing ...a...

Letters to the Editor: What Bob Taft refuses to understand

A number of excellent letters to editor have appeared across the state in recent days. Apparently these pro-self-defense letter writers have a better handle on the facts surrounding the concealed carry reform debate than does their Governor. Click on the "Read More..." link below for summaries and links to the letters. Sciotoville's RICK JONES: Bill allowing concealed weapons is way off target...

Editorial: Taft, Senate blocking rights

Gov. Bob Taft and Ohio Senate President Doug White stubbornly are blocking Ohioans' right to carry concealed weapons. The Senate Judiciary Committee on Criminal Justice last week altered a bill passed by the House of Representatives, and now White refuses to name conferees to iron out differences in the bills until the House and Taft resolve their differences. So much for political leadership...

Stalled until fall: Taft insistent on 'Car-jacker Protection Act'

Although two news organizations are reporting that HB12 appears to be "dead", most others are suggesting that the legislative summer break will be used as a cool-down period, and that the matter will be readdressed when the General Assembly reconvenes. Representatives from Governor Taft's office and the Legislature ended talks aimed at reaching a compromise Wednesday. Lawmakers are scheduled to...

Taft aides meet with lawmakers about weapons bill

The two lawmakers in charge of getting a concealed weapons bill through the Legislature met with Governor Taft's top aides to try to work out an agreement that will satisfy all sides on the matter. Representative Jim Aslanides, a Coshocton Republican who sponsored the bill, and Senator Steve Austria, a Beavercreek Republican who carried the bill in the Senate, met for about an hour with Taft's...

Seneca Co., OH: Vermont/Alaska for 5 months and counting - ''NO PROBLEMS''

Sheriff, police chief see little impact from ruling on concealed-carry ban Local law-enforcement officials say a February ruling in Seneca County Common Pleas Court which found Ohio's law against carrying a concealed weapon to be unconstitutional has had little impact on day-to-day operations. Judge Michael P. Kelbley threw out a concealed-weapons charge against a Fostoria woman caught with a gun...

Letter to the Editor: 'Gun lobby' won't arm everybody

June 24, 2003 In her Sunday guest column arguing against concealed carry in Ohio ( "Permit legislation puts safety at risk" ) Toby Hoover said "the gun lobby's single-minded campaign to arm every man, woman, and child in the United States." Is this truly the intention of the "gun lobby"? Let's think rationally here. Her statement clearly ruins her credibility and shows that she is thinking in an...

Hamilton Co. judge speaks out about Ohio's concealed weapons laws

A Hamilton County judge who has a history of dismissing concealed weapons charges, says he may continue dismissing the cases unless the state legislature comes up with a "reasonable" law allowing people to carry a gun for self-protection. Click on the "Read More..." link below for more. Judge Robert Ruehlman told 9News exclusively Thursday that current concealed weapons proposals have too many...


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