Only Half Right: Pro-CCW newspaper editors call for Am. Sub. HB12 passage

Several traditionally pro-self defense rights newspaper editorial boards have recently published editorials calling upon passage of Am. Sub. HB12 (as amended by the Senate). While noble in their intent, it seems these opinions are based on a lack of familiarity with just how egregious the Senate's amendments are (especially the Taft "Car-jacker Protection" provision), and just how many more law-...

Letter to the Editor: Dispatch’s coverage of gun bill too liberal

Friday, July 04, 2003 Why does The Dispatch continue to print statements that either make no sense or clearly have no rational thought behind them? If the newspaper is going to lean left — and it always does — why not at least offset each article from the left with an opposing one from the right? For example, The Dispatch published the June 19 article "Gun bill fails to sway NRA." Sen. Eric D...

Did Ohio's self-defense ban force this company out of business?

In January, we reported on the plight of drivers for Quality Cab Co., Mansfield's only cab company. After two armed robberies in one week , the cab company considered halting services in part of the city. Quality Cab office manager Brad Walker, 44, says "we need to protect our drivers, and it's the civic responsibility for all of us to do the right thing," Walker said. "I don't want to go to the...

Letter to the Editor: Let us exercise our gun rights

Word is obviously getting out about Taft's "Car-jacker Protection" provision. This Celina parent is concerned with the potential for criminals to profile cars when children are on board. Lima News July 3, 2003 Is anyone else concerned that the Ohio State Highway Patrol and the Ohio Fraternal Order of Police are effectively dictating the fate of concealed-carry legislation in Ohio? This is...

Women should worry about protecting themselves

The following was submitted by an OFCC supporter: WBNS in Columbus today is running an article about a flasher they haven't yet caught who is increasingly outgoing: Police warn women about flasher Members of the Columbus Police sex abuse squad are warning women about a flasher striking around town. They say the extent of his attacks and the degree of violating his victims is escalating, and women...

Police stop Levant (ME) man with toy gun on I-95

This article illustrates why having guns on our front car seats, as required by amended substitute H.B. 12, is a bad idea. Click on the "Read More..." link below for the full story. Tuesday, July 1, 2003 Police stop Levant man with toy gun on I-95 WATERVILLE — A 20-year-old Levant man was ordered from his car on Interstate 95 at gun point Sunday by a trooper of the Maine State Police after other...

Letter to the Editor: Concealed-carry bill makes parents targets

More for the "What Bob Taft refuses to understand" file - this mom doesn't like the idea of having a bulls-eye painted on her car to appease the Ohio State Highway Patrol. Columbus Dispatch July 3, 2003 I completely concur with Dispatch Senior Editor Joe Hallett's stance on the concealed-carry issue, as stated in his June 22 column. Hallett is correct that substitute House Bill 12, as written,...

Abject failure: Ohio's CCW Ban not working to deter crime

YOUNGSTOWN - Greg White looks at the bar graph and just shakes his head. He is appalled at what he sees: the number of homicides in Mahoning County that involve guns, mostly in Youngstown, is staggering. That's why White, the new U.S. attorney for Ohio's Northern district, today announced a concerted effort to get guns and their users off the street. "I have every confidence we can change this...


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