Text of Million Mom's anti-self-defense business form letter

The Million Mom March's Lori O'Neill has been working to scare businesses into opposing HB12 for months now. Apparently she has found very few willing ears. In Senate testimony Wednesday , O'Neill provided just five form letters, identical in content, on letterhead from five Ohio businesses (well, four and a half - one is owned by the Communist Chinese). Click on the "Read More..." link below for...

These extremists & businesses want you to remain defenseless

Pro-self-defense law enforcement officers and women, as well as the other "good guys", seemed to steal the show this week’s Senate hearings , even in the media. But lest we become over-confident, it bears noting that the anti-self-defense extremists are still spouting their rhetoric. Last week, we had to "translate Toby" . This week, it was more of the same from a troop of "Chicken Little’s", who...

Senate hears from plenty of ''Good Guys'', too

Much has been said about the excellent testimony offered in the Senate this week by pro-self-defense women (even, surprisingly, in the media). But there was also important testimony offered by the “good guys”. On Tuesday, May 20, testimony was offered that addressed several important elements in the debate on HB12: • Rick Kaleda testified in favor of HB12, as a husband, father, and an employee...

House Bill 12 receives fifth hearing in Senate committee

Representatives from Ohioans For Concealed Carry and OFCC PAC were on hand today at the Statehouse, as HB12 received it's fifth hearing in the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice. A summary of the hearing may be accessed by clicking on the "Read More..." link below. Women have obviously gotten the message that the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence is claiming concealed carry reform is just a...

Columbus Dispatch: Conceal-carry bill’s backers, foes square off

The Columbus Dispatch has printed an excellent story on yesterday's Senate hearing on HB12, complete with a photo of Gahanna Police Chief Dennis Murphy, and Deputy Chief Larry Rinehart , both of whom SUPPORT HB12. Ohioans should be able to arm themselves against criminals who have no regard for human life or the law, state senators were told yesterday by the deputy police chief of Gahanna, whose...

Letter to the Editor: Dem. Senator's aide in the market for a carry gun

A letter to the editor in the May 19 Zanesville Times-Recorder gives an interesting account of a recent trip to a Columbus sporting goods store: "Last Friday I was in a sporting goods store in Columbus, buying some things for a fishing trip... At the counter was a young lady looking at carry guns. I noticed what she, and the sales guy were looking at. "Too small." I said. "Don't buy anything...

House Bill 12 receives fourth hearing in Senate committee

Representatives from Ohioans For Concealed Carry and OFCC PAC were on hand today at the Statehouse, as HB12 received it's fourth hearing in the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice. A summary of the hearing may be accessed by clicking on the "Read More..." link below. Today's testimony was originally scheduled to be a continuation of invited witnesses, with the Fraternal Order of Police labor...

Columbus Dispatch: Crime in the country

Galvanized by a modest crime wave too close to home, 40 residents, including some victims, turned out for a recent community meeting in search of reassurance from Fairfield County Sheriff Dave Phalen. To residents’ way of thinking, crime is to be found on the mean streets of Columbus, not here — not among the pleasant cul-de-sacs of tended lawns, roomy two-story houses and late-model minivans and...


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