HB12: Senate PROPONENT hearing scheduled May 7

House Bill 12 has been added to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Criminal Justice's agenda for proponent testimony only on May 7 at 9:00 a.m. in the North Hearing Room, Second Floor, Senate Building. UPDATE! Senator Austria's office has offered additional clarification on the purpose for Wednesday's 1st proponent hearing for HB12. This first proponent hearing, the Chairman is asking to hear...

Gannett News Service: FOP police labor union speaks

An article covering Senate action on HB12 has been filed by Jim Siegel for the Gannett News Service today, and will be appearing in multiple central Ohio newspapers over the next 72 hours. The Ohio Chamber of Commerce (normally known as a more conservative, pro-business lobbying group) is towing a Million Mom March line by inferring that CCW at work would create an OSHA (the Occupational Safety...

Complicit media warns: Bill would allow concealed weapons in parking lots!

You'd think it was another case of SARS. We've been warning for two months that anti-self-defense extremists were testing a new spin in their fight against concealed carry reform, by claiming that " companies in virtually every industry will be adversely affected if a concealed carry weapons bill passes in Ohio ". Ohio's liberally-dominated media outlets (such as the Youngstown Vindicator, the...

Concealed carry reform will save Ohio officer's lives

Time and again, we read quotes by Ohio Highway Patrol bureaucrats, claiming that concealed carry reform would put their officers in danger. But as this tragic shooting in Youngstown illustrates, Ohio's officers are already in danger from guns in criminal's cars. The truth is, research proves concealed carry reform laws, which puts firearms in the hands of law-abiding citizens, make police safer...

Would-be Ohio victims practice self-defense; bad guys get hurt

Three incidents across Ohio in the past few days indicate that law-abiding citizens are beginning to fight back against the crime-wave that plagues our state. In Summit County, an off-duty deputy shot and killed an intruder when he failed to respond to an order not to enter his home. The would-be assailant turned out to be a convicted murderer. • Off-duty Summit deputy shoots intruder at his...

Letter to the editor: Anti self-defense column baseless drivel

We recently reported on an anti-self-defense editorial written by Columbus Dispatch Senior Editor Joe Hallet . In the article, Mr. Hallet admitted that he doesn't want to hear from readers about his opinion, that he doesn't care what they think, and that he dreaded the email and voicemail messages he anticipates receiving (and plans on ignoring) after writing his latest anti self-defense...

Yet another serial rapist stalks defenseless Columbus women

The mother and daughter sat in the bleachers holding hands as Columbus police gave chilling details of a serial rapist's 13-year assault on the Linden area. "This series of rapes has gone on far, far too long,'' Deputy Chief Antone Lanata told about 100 people who gathered last night for a town meeting at the Linden Recreational Center. On a list of 21 victims, the daughter had been the rapist's...

OSU's Lantern takes a more balanced look at HB12

Ohio State University's student newspaper, The Lantern , has not been known for taking a fair and balanced approach to the issue of concealed carry reform in the past. But this go' round, budding journalist Matthew Carroll seems to have attempted a much more journalistic look at this story. Excellent quotes from OFCC President Jeff Garvas, HB12 sponsor Rep. Jim Aslanides, and some duds from anti-...


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