SCOTUS looks at government 'blacklists'

Much of the attention recently in the U.S. Supreme Court was on the oral arguments in National Rifle Association of America v. Vullo, No. 22-842, a First Amendment case on whether government officials may use their regulatory authority to effect a “blacklisting campaign” to silence and punish entities like the NRA for their pro-gun advocacy.

PODCAST: Winners, Losers, Drama, and Dirty Tricks in Ohio's Primary Election

The Keep and Bear Radio podcast is hosted on Podbean and is also available on Apple , Google , Spotify , iHeartRadio and many other platforms. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast to hear every episode. How to Listen to Podcasts on Your Mobile Phone *** Episode 112: 92% of BFA PAC-endorsed candidates win in the 2024 Ohio Primary Election. The U.S. Senate race attracts national attention, along...

VP Harris marks Parkland shooting anniversary with bribe to states that push 'red flag' law

Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to Parkland, Florida, to mark the anniversary of the 2018 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School tragedy, where a murderer killed 17 Americans and injured 17 more. Harris used the occasion to peddle more gun control, including "red flag" laws.

Terrorism is a disease; constitutional carry is the cure

“The threats from homegrown violent extremists that is jihadist-inspired, extremists, domestic violent extremists, foreign terrorist organizations, and state-sponsored terrorist organizations all being elevated at one time since October 7, though, that threat has gone to a whole other level,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said recently. This is why we have fought so hard to restore our Second...

BFA seminar: Active-shooter expert Ed Monk shows why 'run, hide, fight' is all wrong

When active-shooter expert Ed Monk told a crowd during the Buckeye Firearms Association "Active Shooter Threat and Response" seminar that the "run, hide, fight" approach is wrong and then showed lots of on-the-scene video evidence — some of it graphic — and verifiable statistics to back it up, he spoke with credibility.

Retired SCOTUS Justice Breyer gaslights Bruen decision

Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer writes in his latest book that originalism and textualism get it wrong — especially when it comes to the Second Amendment. He says justices aren’t historians and expecting them to know the history of how a law was drafted at the time doesn’t help the Supreme Court when it comes to “answering contested historical questions or applying those answers...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.