
Medical errors still claiming many lives

USAToday is reporting that a newly-release study shows as many as 98,000 Americans still die each year because of medical errors, despite an unprecedented focus on patient safety over the last five years. From the story: Significant improvements have been made in some hospitals since the Institute of Medicine released a landmark report in 2000 that revealed many thousands of Americans die each...

Mansfield man refuses to be a victim

The Mansfield News Journal is reporting that a criminal armed with a BB gun met his match in the form of a 130-lb former wrestler whose home he had just broken into. From the story: [Homeowner Oakus] Cox said [Ronnie] Nichols had been to his house earlier that night, asking to use the phone and borrow $20. Cox accommodated both requests. Police reported Nichols returned about 4 a.m., wearing a...

Two reasons why it is foolish to carry only when ''expecting'' trouble...

Columbus' WBNS is reporting that a man who had stopped to fill up at a south Columbus gas station last week was robbed, beaten and kidnapped, and police say his attacker is still on the loose. From the story: It was around 1 a.m. Wednesday at a station on Frebis and Lockbourne Roads when James Kennenbrew was getting gas. The 56-year-old was approached by a man with a gun who told him to...

Franklin Co. Sheriff: Homeowner Shoots Intruder is reporting that a homeowner shot a burglary suspect early Thursday morning at his own home on the city's west side. From the story: The homeowner said two people kicked in the door and entered the living room of his Volney Avenue home at about 12:40 a.m. The resident said he feared for his safety and shot at the burglars twice, striking one of them in the upper torso. The unidentified...

Letter to OFCC: This MY ''Safe Alternative''

----- Original Message ----- Subject: This MY "Safe Alternative" From: Eric Wolford Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 To: [email protected] Hello, Let me start with this...My name is Eric E. Wolford, and I am a member of OFCC. I am so very proud to be a member of an organization that is so incredibly informative. I live in Columbus, Ohio, and I am a small business owner. I am a huge advocate for HB 12 (in spite...

Ironton: C&S Guns robbed

Once again, gun control laws which were passed with claims that they would keep guns out of criminals' hands (but that in actuality succeed only in making purchases more difficult for law-abiding citizens) have been completely circumvented by people who care nothing for the law. The Ironton Tribune reported last week that a local firearms store, C&S Guns, was robbed. From the story: Ironton...

Two Ohio home invasions end when victims fight back!

Lorain: Police: Would-be robber shot A would-be robber was killed and the intended victim was wounded six times when three masked and armed assailants invaded his G Street duplex just before midnight Tuesday in what police are calling a botched robbery. William Fiske, 20, who said he survived five gunshot wounds in his back and one in his arm, was treated at Community Health Partners and had been...

Carry, because you just never know...

You just never know, example #1: The Toledo Blade is reporting that a 23-year-old woman told police yesterday morning that she was shot while going to her car at her residence in the 900 block of Byrneport Drive at approximately 9:30 a.m.. From the story: Natasha Campbell told police she was walking to her car when a man wearing something over his face walked up to her and asked for change. When...


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