
Op-Ed: Did You Forget Patriot’s Day?

By Sim Evans “What a glorious morning this is!” --Samuel Adams, April 19, 1775 April 19, was Patriot’s Day; a day to remember how it all started. It’s not a very popular holiday nowadays, but nevertheless, I hope you didn’t forget. Click on the "Read More..." link below for more. Amongst nations, America is a very young country. Charles Dawes, former vice-president and a native of Ohio, died on...

Ladies Night at the Dillon Sportsman Center

Dillon Sportsman Center east of Newark, is holding their first ever ladies night, Thursday, May 11 (raindate May 18), 5:00PM-9:00PM. This is an opportunity for ladies, at no cost to them, to experience the introduction to some of the shooting sports. The evening is geared towards beginners, but all levels of experience are welcome to attend. Women will have the chance to shoot rifles, shotguns...

Ohioans mourn the loss of two 2nd Amendment Supporters

Buckeye Firearms Association joins others in mourning the loss of two great supporters. Our heartfelt condolences to both of their families. NORTHSIDE - Vernon Ferrier, a hairstylist who campaigned for the law that allows Ohioans to carry concealed guns, was found in his car on Florida Avenue Wednesday, dead of an apparent heart attack. He was 64. COLUMBUS - Steven Randall Nelson, age 49, passed...

Another Buckeye State firing range opening soon

By Ken Hanson In yet another indication of the widespread success of Ohio’s Concealed Carry Law, The Vandalia Range and Armory will be open for business by the end of January, 2006. For the second time in three months, a new range is being opened in the greater Dayton area. Located at 100 Corporate Center Drive, Vandalia, Ohio 45377, the range is a brand new, modern shooting facility. Tenatively...

Book Review: A Girl's Guide To Guns

January 1, 2006 New York Post (republished on Lott's blog ) By Dr. John R. Lott, Jr. What should a woman do when attacked by a criminal? Should she behave passively? Use pepper spray? A gun? Most people hope they'll get lucky and never be attacked. For those who want to think ahead, there is Paxton Quigley's new book, "Stayin' Alive." It turns out that pepper spray may not do you a lot of good...

Gun rights group to Canadian PM: Don't blame U.S. for your crimes and criminals

For Immediate Release Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms BELLEVUE, WA – Reacting to the accusation from Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin that the United States is "exporting violence," the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) said Martin is trying to scapegoat an entire nation for his own failed leadership, and for crimes committed by his own...

''Why would an average citizen WANT to own a handgun...''

" this modern day and age?" By Bob Harsanje “Are you kidding ?!?” my longtime business acquaintance inquired mid-bite during lunch. His incredulous look spoke volumes. “No, I’m not kidding,” I matter-of-factly replied. “What would make you think I’m kidding? He laid his fork on the plate and cleared his throat. “Well,” he measured carefully, “you just don’t seem like the type.” “The type?” I...

Op-Ed: When Being a Good Guy Isn't Enough

A Tactical Analysis of the Tyler Courthouse Shooting and the Tacoma Mall Shooting By Syd For the second time this year, a legally armed citizen armed with a pistol faced a crazed gunman armed with a rifle and did not prevail. In February 2005, Mark Wilson engaged David Arroyo on the steps of the courthouse in Tyler, Texas. Arroyo was wearing body armor and was armed with a Mak-90 7.62x39mm rifle...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.