
FBI: Michigan's crime rate down 10.5% with CCW law

Anti-self-defense extremists are often confronted with the question of why Ohio should resist concealed carry reform, since 45 other states have it in some form or another (including every state that borders Ohio). They are fond of responding that since Ohio's crime rate is already lower (than, say, Michigan), there is no need for these reforms. Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence founder Toby...

94-year-old Toledoan attacked on way to church: ''We are so helpless''

October 27, 2003 Toledo Blade 2 widows survive robbery near church Sally Antoszewski, a 94-year-old widow from North Toledo, said she likes to go to Mass on Saturday afternoons because it’s less crowded than Sunday and she can "shuffle along" without getting in anyone’s way, she said. On Saturday, however, trouble came her way. Mrs. Antoszewski and her 83-year-old niece, Valerie Nieszala, were...

Gun club aims to arm gays for defense against bashers

October 27, 2003 Cleveland Plain Dealer COLUMBUS -Muzzle flame rips through a gunsmoke fog as the shooters' arms rise and fall like exploding pendulums in a steady rhythm of fire. Brass casings, ejected from semiautomatic pistols, silently pinwheel through the air. In this ear-protected world of the shooting range, the sounds are muffled, disembodied. A deep 9mm whump, a sharp .22-caliber snap,...

Tony Gordon Memorial 'Defense' Walk ''the most emotional of them all''

This 'Defense' Walk was special. It wasn't about cameras or quotes. It wasn't about crowd size or soundbites. It wasn't about the Supreme Court or Republican double-speak. Instead, this Walk was solely focused on the hundreds of victims of violence in our state whose circumstances could have turned out far differently if a concealed carry law had been in effect when they were attacked. The...

Cleveland-area 'Defense' Walk ''total success!''

Nearly 100 people openly carried firearms (and picnicked) at the Potluck Picnic and 'Defense' Walk in Lorain on Sunday. There were men and women of all ages, people young, old, short, tall, black, white - all there supporting our right to self-defense. One participant named Scott, reported that "from the moment the first group stepped off and out of the park, car horns started blowing from...

Toledo-Area 'Defense' Walkers welcomed in Swanton with ''honks, waves & smiles

Drivers and residents honked car horns and waved, or gave a thumbs-up sign, to the 100+ openly armed 'Defense' Walkers in Swanton Sunday. At least two residents came out and joined the Walk as it progressed by their homes. This group was probably the most diverse, in terms of gender, that we've seen yet. Many women, many families with children. Fox Toledo (Ch. 36) reported that about 100 people...

Columbus billboards ask ''Why the Violence?''

Tiny victim is anti-violence crusaders’ biggest hope October 17, 2003 THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH The newly formed Urban Crime Advisory Commission convened its first meeting yesterday under a 40-foot billboard from which the image of 1-day old Alamar John-William Wright looked down. Alamar was killed a month after his birth during a robbery attempt May 29 at his Weinland Park home. He has become the...

Cleveland-area 'Group's weapon walk plan going great guns'

Lorain Morning Journal 10/17/2003 LORAIN -- This Sunday at high noon a stretch of West Erie Avenue between Lakeview Park and City Hall will resemble the Old West -- if you take away the cars, paved roads, Northeast Ohio climate and traffic lights. About 70 people carrying holstered pistols will walk from the park to City Hall to demonstrate in support of House Bill 12, a state law stalled in...


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