
Findlay Courier: They'll tote guns to make a point

November 1, 2003 The long-running debate on whether Ohio citizens should be able to carry concealed guns will take center stage this weekend in downtown Findlay. At 2 p.m. Sunday, supporters of pending concealed carry legislation will march down Main Street -- many with firearms openly displayed. The "Defense Walk" route will be from the Main Street bridge to Lincoln Street and back. Findlay's...

Youngstown Walkers make new friends, but not with the Chief

Youngstown Police Chief Robert Bush: Arrest them all, let the courts sort it out? Over 100 people, including Senator and HB12 Conference Committeeman Marc Dann (D) participated in Saturday's open carry 'Defense' Walk in Youngstown, which was extensively covered by area media. One Youngstown citizen told Walk organizer Rick Kaleda, "you sure do throw a fun party." But Youngstown Police Chief...

Editorial: Funding for sheriff's office is a necessity

October 18, 2003 Ironton Tribune Suddenly, a noise awakens you. Startled from sleep, your mind races at 90 miles per hour as your ears try to decipher the cause of the noise. Within a split second, you realize your worst fears are fast becoming a reality. Someone is breaking into your house. Quickly, you call 911 and then you wait. Click on the "Read More..." link below for more. Halfway across...

Pro-CCW, Anti-Taft Protestors send a strong message in Columbus

According to the Toledo Blade, about 25 people took time off work on Thursday to join up in downtown Columbus to send President Bush and the Ohio Republican Party a message: Taxman Taft is a liability for Bush. No CCW in Ohio in 2003, no vote for Bush in 2004? Hey Bob, Bush signed CCW in Texas, why won't you? Sandwiched between groups carrying messages solely supportive or opposing President Bush...

Open Carry 'Defense' Walk Update

Grassroots organizers have announced a 'Defense' Walk for next weekend in Norwood, Ohio. This Walk is being organized by Pat Feely, one of the four original plaintiffs in the Hamilton County concealed carry ban case. The Norwood Walk will be next Saturday November 8th, 2003. REMINDER: There are three important Walks (Youngstown, Alliance and Findlay) to support this weekend! Click here for...

Clayton Cramer Weblog on OSC Ruling Well Worth a Read

This is long, but WELL worth the read. Why won't today's media, supposedly concerned with modern day racism and bigotry, report on the facts about the history of Ohio's concealed carry ban? Ohio Supreme Court Upholds Concealed Carry Ban September 24, 2003, 8:18 a.m. I guess I'm not too surprised. Ohio's law prohibits carrying a concealed handgun, but allows you to raise an affirmative defense at...

Senator Marc Dann (D) accepts invitation to attend Youngstown 'Defense' Walk

Youngstown 'Defense' Walk organizer Rick Kaleda has announced that Democrat Sen. Marc Dann has accepted an invitation to participate in the Youngstown 'Defense' Walk this weekend! Many state legislators have been invited, but Senator Dann is the first to accept. Ohioans For Concealed Carry appreciates his leadership on this issue as a member of the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice which...

Pro-CCW, Anti-Taft Protestors to send Bush a message in Columbus

Ohio Public Radio's Bill Cohen reported today that concealed carry reform supporters plan to send a message to President Bush when he visits Ohio this Thursday. The message? **Bob Taft's opposition to some of President Bush's strongest issues, such as self-defense rights and lower taxes, threatens to damage the President's re-election chances in state where he won only by some 200,000 votes in...


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