
'Hunt for a Cure - Buckeye Style' meeting

All committee members, volunteers, or anyone just plain interested, I will be having a picnic-style meeting at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in Columbus on Sunday, June 8, 2003 at 1:00 PM. We will be discussing plans for the upcoming "Hunt For a Cure - Buckeye Style" event, which will be held in September, and benefitting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The address is: 960 Kingsmill Parkway,...

Bad law forces honorable citizens to disobey in name of self-defense

I am a licensed independent social worker in the domestic violence field in Cleveland. I have worked with domestic violence perpetrators for six years. Many of them possessed guns when they were under court order not to do so. Many violated the protection orders that commanded them to have no contact with their victim. Other clients came from the Ohio Adult Parole Authority; paroled murderers,...

CBS: Bystander Uses Firearm to Save Texas Cop

"When I told him to freeze, it was the voice of the Lord," Patrick Coughlan told CBS' Jim Axelrod. Linden Police Officer Sharon Gillespie was in the process of arresting Andrew Gray. He was wanted for assault. "She told him he was under arrest. When she pulled her handcuffs out, he spun around and grabbed hold of her," said Linden Police Chief Alton McWaters. That's where Mr. Coughlan comes in...

Letter to the Editor: Dem. Senator's aide in the market for a carry gun

A letter to the editor in the May 19 Zanesville Times-Recorder gives an interesting account of a recent trip to a Columbus sporting goods store: "Last Friday I was in a sporting goods store in Columbus, buying some things for a fishing trip... At the counter was a young lady looking at carry guns. I noticed what she, and the sales guy were looking at. "Too small." I said. "Don't buy anything...

Columbus Dispatch: Crime in the country

Galvanized by a modest crime wave too close to home, 40 residents, including some victims, turned out for a recent community meeting in search of reassurance from Fairfield County Sheriff Dave Phalen. To residents’ way of thinking, crime is to be found on the mean streets of Columbus, not here — not among the pleasant cul-de-sacs of tended lawns, roomy two-story houses and late-model minivans and...

Michigan: Crime Fighter Mom Fights Crime

The woman who organizes Michigan's Amber Alert program had to protect her own family this week. She's a nationally recognized crime fighting mom and proved why when she says she was attacked in her own home. The Tuesday morning wake-up call for Robin Trumbull was her for sale SUV on fire. "I heard a sound," says Robin. "I stepped out on the deck, looked over and saw my Tahoe on fire." Then Robin...

Op-Ed: There are no gun-free, safe zones

Dr. John R. Lott Jr. has written an excellent opinion editorial in the wake of the Case Western shootings, which has been published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Autographed copies of Dr. Lott's book are still available in the OFCC Store, but they're going fast! Click here for more information. The entire op-ed may be read at the PD website . An copy has been archived on this website in case the...

Editorial: ''Sad statistic - Gun control doesn't work in California''

The Findlay Courier recently printed an excellent editorial calling for passage of HB12, and exploring the failure of some of the nation's toughest gun control laws to reduce violent crime or murder in California. This April 30 editorial, and the facts it presents, should be given new attention in light of the claims being made by anti-self-defense extremists as they seek to exploit the Case...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.