
Tale of Two Cities: Cincinnati store clerks shot; South Bend robber dies

Two store employees were shot Thursday in a bold daylight robbery attempt at a convenience store in Walnut Hills. The shooting occurred about 4:50 p.m. at the Dairy Market at 1110 E. McMillan St. after a man entered the store and approached the counter, said Cincinnati Police Detective Brett Gleckler. The man fired at least two shots before fleeing, he said. The two male employees, who were not...

Cincinnati crime wave threatens to shut down businesses

A recent shooting on Fountain Square - the heart of Cincinnati's downtown - has a business concerned that this latest crime will be its demise. A stray bullet from the gunplay that left one man injured and more than 40 people scrambling for cover shortly after 11 p.m. struck the glass facade of Rock Bottom Brewery, a restaurant on the square. "My concern is that it's going to kill my business,"... Women need to defend themselves

"Women need to defend themselves, especially single women or those with husbands overseas. And the media has a responsibility to discuss honestly the issue of gun ownership. The John Walsh Show (search) on NBC may have dealt a blow (4/29) to both goals by "ambushing" three women who agreed to discuss their gun ownership and advocacy on air." Click on the "Read More..." link below for more. "Maria...

Researcher: Ohio's concealed carry ban founded in racism

The fight to restore Ohioans' right to self-defense with a firearm has been going on longer than many realize. The following is taken from testimony offered by Clayton Cramer ( ) to the Ohio Senate Judiciary Committee, in support of a concealed carry bill, on March 22, 1995. Mr. Cramer's research on the origins of concealed carry bans are striking, and are something that...

Concealed carry reform will save Ohio officer's lives

Time and again, we read quotes by Ohio Highway Patrol bureaucrats, claiming that concealed carry reform would put their officers in danger. But as this tragic shooting in Youngstown illustrates, Ohio's officers are already in danger from guns in criminal's cars. The truth is, research proves concealed carry reform laws, which puts firearms in the hands of law-abiding citizens, make police safer...

Would-be Ohio victims practice self-defense; bad guys get hurt

Three incidents across Ohio in the past few days indicate that law-abiding citizens are beginning to fight back against the crime-wave that plagues our state. In Summit County, an off-duty deputy shot and killed an intruder when he failed to respond to an order not to enter his home. The would-be assailant turned out to be a convicted murderer. • Off-duty Summit deputy shoots intruder at his...

Yet another serial rapist stalks defenseless Columbus women

The mother and daughter sat in the bleachers holding hands as Columbus police gave chilling details of a serial rapist's 13-year assault on the Linden area. "This series of rapes has gone on far, far too long,'' Deputy Chief Antone Lanata told about 100 people who gathered last night for a town meeting at the Linden Recreational Center. On a list of 21 victims, the daughter had been the rapist's...

Vehicles outside Delaware-area day cares targeted by robber

DELAWARE, Ohio -- Police are seeking a Columbus man accused in a series of vehicle break-ins outside day-care centers -- including one with a 5-year-old girl inside the car. Matthews is accused of casing four day-care centers in Delaware and Franklin counties between Jan. 15 and Jan. 23 and entering four unlocked cars, Delaware County Prosecutor David Yost said yesterday at a news conference. In...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.