
Consent of the Governed? Time for Long Look in the Mirror

by Paul Markel It is no stretch of the imagination that the current political climate is more divisive than it has ever been in modern times. As a nation, we have always had competing parties in our government. However, like a family that argues amongst itself, when an external threat materialized, historically we put aside partisan issues and united. That was the way our parents and grand-...

If only our guns could talk...

by Larry S. Moore Every antique gun has a story. Some of that story is recorded in various production and sales records. Far too often records, especially on our "Dear Elsie's" (LC Smith Shotguns) are lost or destroyed. Much of that story rests with the owners who used the gun for hunting, the shooting sports or perhaps their job. Artifacts are perhaps left along with the gun to pique our...

When Things Go “Bump” in the Dark

If you are going to be involved in a violent confrontation, chances are that it will occur at night or in low light conditions and when you least expect it. The confrontation will be "up close and personal" and you will have little or no time to consider your options. The confrontation is likely to be over in just a matter of moments and what you do during those moments will be critical to your...

Where Has All The Ammo Gone?

by Gary Evens I've often said that there is no such thing as bringing too much ammunition to a gun fight. These days you might be lucky to have any ammo for that gunfight. It seems that it is virtually impossible to find some of the most popular calibers on dealers' shelves these days. I went out the other day in search of 9mm Luger ammo — I need about 400 more rounds for an upcoming class I will...

Op-Ed: The truth on background checks

by John Lott Gun control "deserves a vote," President Obama said time and again in his State of the Union speech on Tuesday. Sadly, the measure Congress is most likely to pass — beefed-up background checks — may cause more harm than good. First, checks obviously won't do anything about gun crime in cities like Chicago or New York, which revolves almost exclusively around illegal guns. But they...

The Exasperating Gun Control Debate

by Rand Lennox Recent school shootings have again reignited the gun control debate. With The Debate occurring so often, one would think that participants would move their arguments away from emotion and toward fact. But they do not. Effective debating demands a thorough knowledge of both sides of an issue. Nonetheless, gun control debaters persist in their ignorance of firearms and firearms law...

Op-Ed: Why I Just Joined the NRA

by Wayne Root I'm not your typical NRA member. I'm Jewish, Ivy League educated (Columbia University, Class of '83, President Obama's classmate), and have been a member of the mainstream media (I started my career as an anchorman and host for CNBC, then called Financial News Network). Also unusual, I joined the NRA in the days after the Sandy Hook, Connecticut tragedy. Here are the reasons why...

Op-Ed: Let's Have That Conversation About Guns

Editor's Note: This op-ed was originally posted at . by Kurt Schlichter For once I agree with liberals. It's high time to have a conversation about guns. Let's start with the problem that there are far too few guns on our streets. Wait, we can't have that conversation. In fact, we're not supposed to have what people might commonly describe as a "conversation" at all. We're supposed...


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