
Fight now with your voice or fight later with guns

by Jeff Thomas The country is arguably at the most crucial point in our history when it comes to the Second Amendment and the outcome will affect your liberty and possibly your life. A powerful statement? I challenge anyone to prove me wrong. The country has been crippled by more than seven years of economic hardship, more than a decade of citizens losing liberties, and now the president and his...

BOOK REVIEW: Poachers Were My Prey

by Larry S. Moore I received the new book, "Poachers Were My Prey," as a Christmas present. The book is a compilation of undercover investigations by the Division of Wildlife and Officer R. T. Stewart as told to outdoor writer Chip Gross. The story can be told now that Stewart has retired from the Division of Wildlife and the cases are long since closed. Gross is also retired from the Division of...

Op-Ed: Guns in schools can save lives

Editor's Note: This op-ed was originally posted at before an armed guard disarmed a teen school shooter in Atlanta. by John Lott Has anyone noticed that these mass shootings at public schools increased after the 1995 Gun-Free School Zone Act? Passed with good intentions, banning guns would supposedly make schools safer. But law abiding citizens, not criminals, obey these bans...

Get your application in for the NRA Youth Education Summit

Fairfax, Virginia - This year's Youth Education Summit looked like they had a lot of fun, didn't they? For all you high school Sophomores and Juniors out there, YOU could be a part of next year's week-long trip to Washington, D.C. The NRA is currently accepting applications for the 2013 National Youth Education Summit - a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The summit doesn't take place until Monday,...

Op-Ed: The AR-15 - The Gun Liberals Love to Hate

by David Keene Politician after politician have joined the television talking heads in calling for a new "assault weapons ban" patterned after the ten-year Clinton ban that was allowed to lapse in 2004 after Justice Department and private studies concluded it had no impact whatsoever on murder and violent crime rates and had become a symbol of wrong-headed governmental attempts to restrict...

"Universal Background Checks" – Absolutely Not

by Marion P. Hammer Imagine a grandfather who wants to give a family shotgun to his 12-year-old grandson having to do a background check on his grandson before giving him the shotgun. Or a friend having to do a background check on his lifetime best buddy before lending him a hunting rifle. Or, if your mother had a prowler at her home, having to do a background check on your own Mom before you...

Gun owners: The time to stand up is now!

Editor's Note: This op-ed was originally published at . by Gerard Valentino There have been times the pro-gun lobby looked irrelevant in America and when it looked like the private ownership of firearms was going to be relegated to the historical scrap heap. This is not that time. There was a time when owning a gun in American was seen as a sign of being socially backward, and...

Op-ed: Gun control is about control, not guns

2nd Amendment is a check on government power by Thomas Lucente There is one truism that should not be forgotten in the national conversation on guns: Even if you repeal the Second Amendment it will have no affect on my God-given natural right to keep and bear arms. That is because rights are not political grants from government. Rights are inalienable gifts from Providence. We possess them by...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.