
The News - Bought by Gun Ban Extremists

by Gerard Valentino When the ground breaking book, "More Guns, Less Crime" hit bookstores, the anti-gun establishment media, and anti-gun lobbyists were up in arms. The first step they took in trying to shut off meaningful debate on the issue, was to immediately attack the book's author, Professor John Lott, because the funding for his research came from the John M. Olin Foundation. Since the...

If Not Me Then Who?

by Tom Wert On the drive home from Cincinnati, after attending John Giduck's presentation of "Terror at Beslan," hosted by Buckeye Firearms, several thoughts were running through my mind. First, the nightly news doesn't even begin to touch on the brutality that terrorists are willing to inflict on innocent children. Second, I am certain that not only are terrorists planning and training for a...

Lessons from the Terror at Beslan

By Jim Irvine and Alan Wheeler On June 11, close to 100 individuals attended a conference on terrorism presented by John Giduck. Buckeye Firearms Foundation made seats available to state and local school board members as well as numerous teachers and administrators at no charge because the topics covered are critical to the safety and security of our schools and the children who attend them. We...

On Saving the Bill of Rights

Note from Jim Shepherd, Editor of The Outdoor Wire: We first met Frank Miniter at the United States Supreme Court during the historic arguments that preceded the Second Amendment affirming Heller decision. At that time, I didn't know he was already involved in writing a book which documents our gradual surrender of our rights to a government that seems intent on controlling every aspect of our...

Reps. Michael Foley and Bill Patmon: Blaming the many for the sins of a few

by Chad D. Baus On May 11, 2011, during House debate on Restaurant Carry legislation, two Ohio state representatives took to the floor to explain their opposition to the bill. Both Representatives Michael Foley (D-14) and Bill Patmon (D-10) blamed their refusal to support the Second Amendment rights of Ohioans because of a few extreme examples of licensed individuals breaking the law. Consider...

SB17 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix) and HB54 (Restoration of Rights) – Just what do they do?

by Jim Irvine and Ken Hanson It has been a long wait, but critical legislation for gun owners has finally been passed by the Ohio legislature. It is important to note that the law will remain unchanged for several months and citizens are reminded to comply with existing restrictions until the new law becomes effective. After the bills passed the House and Senate, it was necessary that SB17 and...

Strategically-timed, Joyce Foundation-funded "study" conveniently links gun ownership and carrying a gun to heavy alcohol use

by Chad D. Baus One day before Ohio's Restaurant Carry legislation came to a final vote, and after more than two years of debate and countless media articles and editorials repeating the mantra that "guns and alcohol don't mix," the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) released a "study" which they claimed proves that "gun owners who carry concealed weapons or have confronted another person...

Buckeye Firearms Chair Jim Irvine to Speak at the "We the People Convention" in Columbus

by Jason Mihalick Buckeye Firearms Chairman, Jim Irvine, will be conducting a breakout session entitled "How to Run an Effective Volunteer Political Action Committee" at the first annual "We The People Convention," which runs from July 1st to July 2nd at the Columbus Convention Center. Mr. Irvine is scheduled to speak first thing Saturday morning, July 2nd, at 8AM. His speech will cover many of...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.