
New Study Points to Truth About Mexican Cartels' Guns

The Woodrow Wilson International Center, which previously accepted as fact that incredible numbers of newly purchased firearms were being smuggled from the U.S. to Mexico, has just released a report showing that the numbers have been incredibly exaggerated. The revelation shifts the blame for Mexico's drug cartel problem away from America's "lax" gun laws, and squarely in the direction of Mexican...

"Mentor man's guns are confiscated after he calls police for help" - More proof of need for Restoration of Rights legislation

by Chad D. Baus While Restaurant and Car Carry Rules Fix legislation has garnered almost exclusive attention of the media and the gun ban lobby in Ohio, another piece of important pro-gun legislation has also been passed by strong, bi-partisan majorities in the Ohio House and Senate. HB54 and SB61, Ohio's Restoration of Rights legisation, will align Ohio law with federal statutes regarding the...

Op-Ed: Gun Owners Have a Right to Privacy

Editor's Note: While Ohioans have won a good deal of protection from the prying eyes of the anti-gun media via passage of House Bill 9 in 2006 , efforts to reverse these protections continue. One such attempt came when State Rep. Matt Lundy (D) proposed an amendment to HB45 that would have made the records public. Fortunately, the anti-gun amendment was defeated. by John Stossel If you own a gun...

The logical conclusion of the gun ban lobby's rhetoric: Ban everything

by Gerard Valentino The anti-gun lobby spends a lot of time and money scaring Americans about what might happen if honest people are allowed more leeway in how, and where, they carry guns. All along, they assured us that gun-related disaster is a likely outcome each time a new pro-gun reform is suggested. Concealed Carry laws were sure to lead to Wild West shootouts, Castle Doctrine and Stand...

Mugging of Plain Dealer employee and subsequent commentary offers lesson in mindset

A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it. - Proverbs 22:3 by Chad D. Baus On March 30, a Cleveland Plain Dealer employee was mugged in an isolated parking lot Wednesday night shortly after he left his office around 9:30 p.m. There is little doubt doubt, given the history of The Plain Dealer 's editorial animosity toward the practice of concealed...

Buckeye Firearms Association's Jim Irvine on The Sound of Ideas

Buckeye Firearms Association Chairman Jim Irvine was a studio guest on WCPN's The Sound of Ideas on Thursday, April 21 at 9:00 AM Eastern. Jim discussed SB17 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix) with a panel of guests that will also include: Toby Hoover, Executive Director, Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence Mayor Michael Coleman (D), Columbus State Sen. Tim Schaffer (R-31) Every weekday at 9:...

Concealed carry debate delivered four times the communication as collective bargaining bill; CCW still portrayed as fringe issue

by Gerard Valentino The Ohio media and anti-Second Amendment politicians are notorious for trying to portray gun rights as a fringe issue pushed by a small vocal minority. In contrast, the recent coverage of Senate Bill 5, which was designed to limit the collective bargaining rights of public unions, was covered as if the majority of Ohioans were riveted. After SB5 passed and was signed into law...

Op-Ed: The Unconcealed Truth About Carrying Guns

by Steve Chapman "Experience is a dear teacher," said Benjamin Franklin, "but fools will learn at no other." Give some credit to fools: At least they eventually learn from experience. What would Franklin say about people who don't? By that, I refer to gun control advocates alarmed that the Illinois legislature may vote to let licensed individuals carry concealed handguns. The Brady Campaign to...


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