
Hunters and Other Outdoors Enthusiasts Need to be Aware of a New Pest

Coshocton County is the only known affected area Black-legged ticks, some infected with Lyme disease, are known to be in the Coshocton county area. A population of these small ticks had not been established before in Ohio, according to The Ohio State University (OSU) tick biologist Dr. Glen Needham. The adult ticks are actively looking for hosts, such as people, pets or deer, not only this fall,...

Toledo boy finds gun, knows what to do

Why aren't we teaching EVERY child in Ohio these principles? by Chad D. Baus The Toledo Blade is reporting that when 11 year-old Mason Knannlein found a gun laying in the yard, he had his grandfather to thank for having educated him to know what to do in such a situation. From the article : The whitish top on the handgun lying in the grass in front of a West Toledo home was what caught Mason...

Another formerly skeptical Ohio law enforcement official admits concealed carry has worked

by Chad D. Baus The Port Clinton News Herald is reporting that another law enforcement official has admitted that previous skepticism about Ohio's concealed carry law was unwarranted. From the story : Ottawa County Sheriff Bob Bratton said he had issues about the law when the Ohio legislature passed it in 2004. "I had concerns at first," Bratton said, "but since then we've had no issues."...

Op-Ed: Guns and the Drop in the Violent Crime Rate

by John Lott President Obama undoubtedly didn't intend it, but he deserves some credit for the recent report that all violent crime rates dropped in 2009, murder rates by 7.4 percent, robbery rates by 9 percent: His election caused gun sales to skyrocket, and crime rates to plummet. Gun sales started notably rising in October 2008, and sale really took off immediately after Obama won the...

Op-Ed: Why Gun Bans Still Don't Work

The following op-ed appeared at on September 29, the day after yet another attempted mass murder on yet another "gun-free" campus. by John Lott Yesterday's wild shooting spree at the University of Texas fortunately ended without anyone being hurt before the gunman shot himself. Naturally, the incident has yet again raised the question over gun bans, such as the ban currently in effect...

Grassroots Activism: The Power of One

by Jeff Knox What can I do? I'm just one person. I don't know anything about campaigning and I don't have much money. How can I impact an election in which thousands – or millions are going to be voting? I hear that a lot and the simple answer is: Pick your candidate and then do your very best to make sure that everyone you know, and everyone you meet, knows why you have picked that candidate. To...

Gubernatorial candidates submit to interviews with USSA/ Outdoor Writers of Ohio

Editor's Note: Buckeye Firearms Association was the only Ohio gun group to have an outdoor writer (Region Leader Larry S. Moore) at the recent U.S. Sportsmen Alliance/Outdoor Writer of Ohio interviews with former Congressman and current Governor Ted Strickland and former Congressman John Kasich. Also represented at the interviews were Ohio Outdoor News, Ohio Valley Outdoors, Akron Beacon Journal...

September sees 6% jump in firearm sales over same month last year

The FBI has released its National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figures for September 2010. NSSF-adjusted figures (770,310) show a 6 percent increase over September of last year (726,572). The adjusted NICS data were derived by NSSF by subtracting out NICS purpose-code permit checks used by several states such as Kentucky and Utah for CCW permit application checks as well as...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.