
The importance of elected officials on full display during opponent testimony to SB239 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix)

by Ken Hanson Esq. Regular readers of our website are familiar with the refrain "elections matter." Buckeye Firearms Association feels that elections are the most important component of firearm rights: without pro-gun legislators, prosecutors, judges and law enforcement, your fundamental right to own firearms and your fundamental right to self-defense are in constant peril. To give the reader an...

Attorney General announces Second Quarter 2010 CHL statistics

by Jim Irvine Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray (D) has released the concealed handgun license (CHL) statistics for the second quarter of 2010. At the end of June, we had an all time record of approximately 199,577 Ohio residents licensed to carry concealed firearms. (See chart) We are now in our seventh year of concealed carry in Ohio and it is clear that the program is popular, successful...

Columbus Dispatch article on growing popularity of non-resident concealed carry licenses exposes need for national reciprocity

by Chad D. Baus Early last year Dayton Daily News reporter Laura Bischoff wrote an article about Ohio residents who chose to obtain a non-resident, or out-of-state, concealed carry license from Utah. In the article, Bischoff echoed the assertions of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence's Toby Hoover, who suggested that the reason people obtain these licenses is to avoid Ohio's training...

Why would someone need a gun in a park? Question asked and answered.

by Larry S. Moore For years, while gun control extremists were busy asking "why would anyone need a gun in a park?," gun rights activists and organizations have urged people to carry while enjoying outdoor recreation. Consider these recent headlines and ask yourself - which side of the argument is standing on solid ground? Campers Robbed At [Ohio's] John Bryan State Park Man shot eight times in...

Think the Ohio gun ban lobby is dead? Think again.

by Chad D. Baus Given their lack of success at lobbying in the Statehouse and at the ballot box, it's easy to get the idea that the Ohio gun ban lobby has folded up shop. But as a behind-the-scenes look at some of their current activities will show, that kind of thinking can lead to a complacency that gun owners in the Buckeye State cannot afford.

Crime victim persecuted for being gun owner

by Tim Inwood It used to be in this country that if you were arrested for a crime you were presumed innocent until trial. Now if you are a crime victim you may be perceived as a criminal if you are a gun owner. After reading an article about a burglary in the Land of Lincoln, my blood went to a slow boil. In the wee hours of an August morning, Rockford (IL) police were called by the victim's...

Are You a Fair Weather Friend of Second Amendment Groups?

by Dean Rieck Suppose you had a dear friend. Someone you've known for years and who has stood beside you every step of the way. Then one day, you say or do something this friend doesn't agree with. It's not a personal insult. You haven't cheated them or assaulted them. You just have an honest disagreement about something. Suddenly your friend tells you it's all over. They won't be your friend...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.