
Drug bust reveals why concealed carry is a must for outdoor enthusiasts

By Larry S. Moore It was just a few years ago that Buckeye Firearms Association, along with support from the NRA, led the effort to obtain the ability for concealed handgun license holders to carry concealed while hunting. Working with the law enforcement side of the Division of Wildlife and with a major effort at the spring open house events by Buckeye Firearms supporters and volunteers, we were...

Ten Threats To Our Ohio Gun Rights In 2010

By Alex Payton In order to defend our rights, we have to know who or what threatens them. While there are actually too many threats to mention, as we have for the past four years, we again seek to list some of the more potent threats to our Ohio gun rights. To some degree, all of the threats that were previously listed are still dangerous to our rights. However, some of those threats have become...

More guns, less crime in 2009

By Gerard Valentino Now that 2009 has come to an end, giving America time to take stock of the year that was, we can once again see the true relationship between guns and crime. Driven by fear of Barack Obama's anti-gun past, Americans bought more guns in 2009 than in any other year on record, and homicide and violent crime rates plummeted nationwide. The most striking decrease took place in...

Mayors Against Illegal Guns' poll proves just one thing: We still have work to do

By Jeff Knox Mike Bloomberg and his Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) caused quite a stir in the gun rights community recently when they released a poll declaring that gun owners and NRA members support the group's gun control agenda. The poll was conducted by Frank Lutz's company "Word Doctors." The media gleefully reported the poll as indisputable fact while NRA and others cried "Foul,"...

Vintage gun ads recall the true America

By Dean Rieck There are people today who are shocked to discover that gun manufacturers advertise their products in magazines displayed on grocery store shelves. Gun ads? In a grocery store? What if the children see those ads? As shocking as it might be to some people, there was a time not so long ago when guns were not only advertised in dedicated "gun" magazines, they were routinely advertised...

Gun sales data reveal regional preferences

Where you live says a lot about what types of firearms you prefer, the latest data from the National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA) shows. In 2008, southern Atlantic states led per capita in handgun purchases and also accounted for 31.4 percent of all handguns bought in the United States. East north central states led per capita in shotgun purchases and accounted for 33.4 percent of shotguns...

NRA's Eddie Eagle GunSafe(r) Program Reaches 23 Millionth Child

FAIRFAX, Va. - The Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program, NRA's groundbreaking gun accident prevention course for children, has surpassed yet another milestone by reaching its 23 millionth child. Created in 1988 by past NRA President Marion P. Hammer, in consultation with law enforcement officers, elementary school teachers, and child psychologists, the program provides pre-K through the third grade...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.