
2009 - The Year In Review

By Chad D. Baus While there is far too much to cover in a single article, we reflect on some of the important events of 2009. January: The year begins with the inauguration of former Joyce Foundation board member Barack Hussein Obama, who quickly proves he lied during the campaign in describing himself as a pro-Second Amendment candidate by announcing the administration's declaration of war on...

Disabled man stops home invasion with 3 gun shots

By Gerard Valentino Photo: Star-Banner Gary Wroblewski is confined to a wheelchair and therefore an easy target for criminals. His physical limitations and lack of mobility are the type of weakness that cowards look for in an easy mark. But, Mr. Wroblewski is anything but a helpless victim. Instead, he took the time to arm himself and learn how to properly use his gun. That decision just might...

Violent Crime Continues Decline (Even While Gun Ownership Increases)

By Bill Brassard Preliminary statistics released by the FBI for the first half of 2009 show that violent crime continues a downward trend that began in 2006. The figures show crime falling in all categories--robbery, aggravated assault, motor vehicle thefts, etc.--with murders down a remarkable 10 percent from the previous year. The FBI statistics undermine a favorite argument of anti-gun groups...

OOPS: Associated Press publishes fair and balanced article on increase in gun-related officer deaths

By Chad D. Baus I don't know exactly how long Colleen Long has been employed by the Associated Press, but if the journalist publishes many more facts that expose the lies of the gun control movement, I expect she'll be visiting the unemployment lines very soon. In an article noting an increase in the number of officers killed in the line of duty by gunfire in 2009, Long departed from the anti-gun...

Divert tax money to pro-gun candidates for FREE!

By Jim Irvine This is the time of year when many make charitable contributions. Tax deductible is good, but I've got a much better deal for you. If you pay Ohio income tax this year, you are entitled to a $100 per couple ($50 per person) tax credit for donations to certain politicians. A credit is much different than a deduction. You don't get a part of your donation back, you get the whole...

911 call displays heart and soul of the law-abiding citizen who refuses to be a victim

For 10 minutes and 20 seconds, Oklahoma resident Donna Jackson remained calm as she stood in the dark pleading for help and repeatedly telling emergency dispatchers that she did not want to shoot the "crazy," "drunk sounding" man who was yelling and determined to get inside her house on a Friday morning earlier this month. But when he threw a table through her sliding glass patio door, the 56-...


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