
Preparing for Mumbai - In America

By Gabe Suarez There has been a great deal of discussion about what to carry for an event like Mumbai. Gents, let's think about this. If you happen to be caught up in this at its conclusion, facing a dozen riflemen working together as a unit, and you with your Kel-Tec, what do you think your realistic chances of success are? Being real is not being defeatist, but come on. Now, at the outset of...

On Mumbai - What We Know So Far

By Gabe Suarez In 2001 the USA had the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. It has become vogue to call it the 9/11 Tragedy, as if it was a hurricane or an earthquake, but it was not. It was an act done by men, evil men. A few years later, both Spain and England faced similar events. And now India. I am not so schooled in geo-politics to try to draw strategic significance here. All I can...

BILL OF RIGHTS DAY - December 15th, 2008

By Rick Jones and Larry Moore As the old saying goes, “if you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any”. In today’s society of hustle and bustle one really doesn’t take the time to really think about what their rights are. We take these rights for granted. Just about everyone knows what the First Amendment to the Constitution is, freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and freedom to...

The Second Amendment Book Bomb on Bill of Rights Day, December 15!

Monday, December 15, marks America’s Bill of Rights Day, the anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution. To commemorate this event, the Second Amendment Book Bomb website has been created, a unique and powerful way to communicate the importance of the Bill of Rights’ Second Amendment for the protection of liberty. With your help, we can launch constitutional...

The Mumbai Massacre: It Could Happen Here

By Richard Munday The firearms massacres that have periodically caused shock and horror around the world have all been utterly dwarfed by the Bombay shootings, in which a handful of gunmen left some five hundred people killed or wounded. Commentators have been swift to insist that we must all "stand firm" against such outrage; but behind the rhetoric, the pundits have been visibly uncertain how...

Op-Ed: The Life-and-Death Cost of Gun Control

By John R. Lott, Jr. Banning guns is in the news. India practically bans guns, but that didn't stop the horrific Muslim terrorist attacks this last week. A football player concerned for his safety violates New York City's tough gun control regulations by carrying a concealed handgun, and people call for everything from banning NFL players from carrying guns to demanding that the athlete serve...

Lessons from Black Friday in Mumbai

By Gerard Valentino Most Americans transfixed by Black Friday sales at the local discount megamart completely ignored the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India. Sadly, it’s learning from such tragedies that might save your life someday. For those not familiar with the story, terrorists fighting for an independent Kashmir stormed several high profile hotels and other locations in Mumbai , resulting...

Firearms Industry Launches Blog to Address Inaccuracies Surrounding Firearms

NEWTOWN, Conn. -- The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) -- the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry -- has launched a blog aimed at hunting down and correcting inaccuracies about firearms and the firearms industry. The blog, titled "Aiming for Accuracy," is updated regularly with news, links and other helpful resources designed to promote...


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