
On display: Gun control laws fail to stop violent domestic offenders

In a recent Columbus Dispatch article entitled "Many loopholes in domestic-violence gun law," Whitehall Councilwoman Jacquelyn Thompson asks why a man with a history of domestic violence who killed his wife and children in a murder-suicide had three guns, and whether communities could do more to prevent domestic violence. It's worth asking, because the fact that this ex-con was in possession of...

Hunters, Target Shooters and Industry Provide $336 Million for Wildlife and Education

NEWTOWN, Connecticut-- When a target shooter purchases a box of ammunition or a hunter a new deer rifle, wildlife in America benefits. Every sportsman and woman contributes to a system that has been responsible for supporting healthy wildlife populations of both game and non-game species for the last 70 years. The contributions, in the form excise taxes paid on sporting firearms, ammunition and...

Illinois gun legislation should be Trap Shooters' Wake-Up Call

By Larry S. Moore I've been a hunter my entire life, or at least since about age 10. I started participating in trap shooting when I was about 16 years old. While I hunt every year as much as possible, my trap shooting activities have experienced peaks and valleys. The peak of my trapshooting was from about 1990 through 2005. I believe the first Grand American Trap Shoot was held in Sparta,...

$30,000 in College Scholarships Available to Students

Application Deadline - March 2nd Just a reminder that the National Rifle Association is currently taking applications from outstanding high school sophomores and juniors to participate in the 13th Annual Youth Education Summit July 6th-12th. Don't miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity! Approximately 40 students are chosen to take part in this expense-paid, seven-day event in Washington...

My move to the Rebel Colonies, Pt.2: Living in America and buying my first handgun

Part I of this series, "Living in England disarmed", is available here . By Ray Butler In 2002, after marrying a lovely American lady in Northeastern Ohio, we went back to live in England. Over the years we traveled back and forth across the pond two or three times a year, especially in November for Thanksgiving. In May 2007, on our last vacation here, we decided to sell up and move to the USA...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.