
Op-Ed: Gun Control Does Not Stop Violence

By Matthew Thomas Gross The (OSU) Sentinel Everybody's first reaction to the massacre at Virginia Tech was one of shock and sorrow, but, for some, what followed that initial reaction was an angry and ridiculous call for more gun-control. If you, dear reader, were one such person, who believes that tragedies like the one at Virginia Tech would be stopped by taking guns out of civilians' hands, you...

So you think banning guns will end mass homicide?

By Chad D. Baus In the wake of the nation's worst mass shooting on the 'no-guns' campus of Virginia Tech, gun ban extremists like Ohio's Toby Hoover couldn't even wait until the bodies were counted before attempting to exploit the dead by calling for tighter gun control measures. From the OCAGV statement released just hours after the VT massacre, entitled "It's About the Guns" : Our weak gun laws...

Yet Another Case for Allowing Concealed Carry at Work

By Joe DeVito A recent event in downtown Columbus furthered the case long since proved by concealed carry advocates, that leaving employees defenseless at work is dangerous and irresponsible. A very well known Fortune 500 company has just such a policy, despite the repeated attacks on employees walking to and from their cars parked off of company property. The area between the work building and...

Headline: OSU Pistol Club takes aim at gun education

The (OSU) Lantern has published an informative article on the Ohio State University Pistol Club, and comments posted by readers prove there is a demand for more of this type of coverage. From the story: Gunshots rang out from several .22-caliber pistols during the Ohio State Pistol Club's weekly meeting at the firing range in Converse Hall Thursday evening. The group exists to promote...

Don't let your children be victims of the ''Culture of Sheep''

By Tim Inwood Earlier in May I recounted a story from my youth in “Time for the sun to set on the Culture of Sheep” , where I complained of having been punished for defending myself. When it comes to the “Culture of Sheep”, I had barely scratched the surface in my disdain for what it has done to my country. My desire to examine and discuss how to undermine this national disease of indoctrinated...

Yet another op-ed writer fantasizes gun control could prevent massacre

By Chad D. Baus In the wake of Toledo Blade editorial board member Dan Simpson's tirade against the Constitution , and a recent Springfield (OH) News Sun editorial entitled "More guns not the answer to violence", yet another anti-gun writer has taken a stab at his dream list of gun control that he believe would stop incidents like last month's massacre on the "no guns" Virginia Tech campus. In "...

Monday's Must-Read Op-Eds

Illusion of Safety:The False Promise of Gun-Free Zones By Ken Blackwell Recent news accounts of the bittersweet commencement exercises at Virginia Tech University refueled debate in my university neighborhood and reinvigorated our search for the real cause of the threat to our safety. The debate centered on the need to mandate gun-free zones on college campuses. Well, mandating...

Time for the sun to set on the Culture of Sheep

By Tim Inwood My first memory of encountering the “anti-self defense culture”, which I call the “culture of sheep”, was a cold morning in January 1975. I was in the sixth grade and was riding the school bus. Suddenly, another student sitting in the seat ahead of me turned and began striking me. This was completely unprovoked. Naturally I struck back in defense. The bus driver separated us and...


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