Gun Grabbers

Obama hopes some gun owners are willing to prostitute the Second Amendment for a paycheck

By Chad D. Baus The past decade as brought about several visible attempts by gun grabbers to masquerade as Second Amendment advocates. One of the more high-profile attempts was launched by billionaire Andrew McKelvey, a former member of the Handgun Control, Inc. (HCI) board of directors. During his time at HCI, McKelvey became convinced that the words "gun control" weren't selling to...

Barack Obama and John Kerry: Geese of a Feather

By Gerard Valentino Barack Obama is on the campaign trail touting his support for the Second Amendment as an individual right to bear arms - a laughable assertion by a candidate who has tried to reshape himself as a moderate liberal once he secured the Democratic nomination for president. Luckily, for gun owners, Obama is more concerned with power than policy so he is unlikely to go after guns...

Philly police chief trains people to be sheep; Complains when they won't fight a wolf

By Jeff Riley On Sept 10th, 2008 I watched in dumbfounded amazement a Today Show news report covering the vicious beating of an unarmed man on the Philadelphia subway. The victim was attacked by a man wielding a hammer and took place over a 5 minute period all the while approximately ten onlookers watched but did not intervene. The surveillance video shows the attacker placing a young boy in a...

"No-guns" DQ employees pistol-whipped, shot trying to follow robber's orders

By Chad D. Baus The same anti-self-defense crowd that encourages businesses to post "no-guns" signs as a means of promoting "safety" is also fond of saying that the best way to avoid being hurt by a criminal is to just give them what they want, and wait for the police to get there. But once again, persons forced to work in the gun ban extremists' version of a "safe working environment" have found...

Leftist blog calls on Obama to bring gun control back to the campaign trail

By Chad D. Baus Even while former Joyce Foundation board member Barack Obama seeks to cover up his anti-gun past with empty platitudes about an individual right to bear arms that can be "common-sense" limited into oblivion, and while his supporters attempted to make the case that the Supreme Court's ruling on D.C. v. Heller made “Guns a Non-Issue” in the Presidential campaign , there is at least...

Poll proves strong American majority opposes Obama's position on guns

By Chad D. Baus According to an Associated Television News/ Zogby poll, a strong majority of likely voters disagree with Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on firearms and self-defense related issues, and that the opposition to Obama's stance on these issues is widespread across multiple demographics.

Obama acceptance speech imagines divisions between Ohio gun owners; Campaign materials prove his ignorance about guns

By Chad D. Baus Gun owners in Ohio were given attention from former Joyce Foundation board member Barack Obama in his acceptance speech at Invesco Field in Denver on Thursday, and his comments, while short, are sure to draw renewed attention to his ignorance about firearms.

Gun Control: Using Children for Political Ends

[Note: story updated May 27, 2009 at request of author] By Howard Nemerov The death of a child is horrible and painful, and any decent person would do whatever it takes to save that life. How could an organization called the Children's Defense Fund (CDF) possibly have an agenda that could result in more child fatalities? A recent report by the CDF leads with: "Firearm Deaths Among Children and...


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