Gun Grabbers

Editorial: Keep it simple on guns

The District government appears to be headed for disaster as it prepares to craft policies to regulate handgun registration and licensing in response to the Supreme Court's decision declaring unconstitutional the city's absolute ban. A hearing last week clearly showed that most members on the D.C. City Council want regulations tailored to discourage, to the point of infringement, the ownership of...

Wishful thinking: Congressional Quarterly blogger says guns now a “non-issue” in campaigns

By Brian S. Stewart The landmark Supreme Court ruling in D.C. v. Heller delivered a knockout blow to “collective” rights theorists in the anti-gun community. It put into jeopardy blanket handgun bans in Chicago, San Francisco, and other municipalities, and is without a doubt a victory for gun owners. And as if on cue, anti-gun editorialists and the mainstream media are rushing to declare the...

Windy City – A Mayor Carries on the Tradition

By Gerard Valentino It may surprise many people to learn that Chicago's nickname of "Windy City" doesn’t come from the winds that blow off Lake Michigan during the harsh winters, but rather from the windy debates that take place among the city’s political players. After the United States Supreme Court ruled that Washington D.C.'s outright gun ban was unconstitutional, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley...

Op-Ed: Obama's Dodge on Handguns

By Robert D. Novak After months of claiming he had insufficient information to express an opinion on the District of Columbia's gun law, Barack Obama noted with apparent approval Thursday that the Supreme Court ruled that the 32-year ban on handguns "went too far." But what would he have said had the high court's 5 to 4 majority gone the other way and affirmed the law? Obama's strategists can...

Op-Ed: The Two Reasons We Must Stop Clinton And Obama

Gun rights advocates considering skipping this November's presidential election should keep two things in mind--the Supreme Court and the United Nations. By Wayne R. LaPierre NRA Executive Vice President Recently, I've encountered some friends who are disillusioned over the political scene. As one recently put it, "The country would be better off with Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton in the White...

It's time to take back California for gun rights

By John Salyers On the verge of what looks to be a solid kick in the gut for Paul Helmke and the Brady Bunch with the upcoming SCOTUS decision in the District of Columbia v. Heller case, Helmke and his minions are certainly not holding back in their celebrations of the ongoing trampling of rights in California. In a June 18th alert pointing people to video of Brady VP of Law and Policy, Dennis...

President Barack Obama - A Gun Owner's Worst Nightmare

By Dean Rieck If you're not thrilled with the idea of having John McCain as the next President of the United States, you're not alone. He's angered gun owners with anti-gun statements and support for so-called "campaign finance reform," which has done little except limit free speech and curtail grassroots political activism. But would you prefer President Barack Obama? Obama is without doubt the...

Another one bites the dust: Anti-gun politicians drop out of special election for Ohio Attorney General

By Chad D. Baus In the past few weeks, articles written by myself and Buckeye Firearms Association Legislative Chair Ken Hanson have attempted to sound the warning on storm clouds which were gathering over this fall's special election for Ohio Attorney General, due to the names being floated by both parties - former Senator Mike DeWine and current Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher in particular. This week, it...


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