Gun Grabbers

HSUS – The Original Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

By Larry S. Moore Throughout our history, Buckeye Firearms Association has worked to expose organizations that would deny our rights and freedoms, but who operate in such a manner that unsuspecting gun-owners or sportsmen might be fooled. The American Hunters and Shooters Association is one such group. Another, larger and much older organization, is the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS...

SAF asks Federal investigation of alleged straw purchase by anti-gunner

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation is calling upon the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to open a criminal investigation into what may be a publicly-admitted straw purchase of a handgun in New Hampshire involving the head of a Massachusetts anti-gun organization and a columnist for the Boston Globe. SAF Founder Alan Gottlieb said today that remarks made by John...

Sandusky Register on Privacy: What's good for me not good for thee

By Chad D. Baus During the last week of June, Sandusky Register Editor Matt Westerhold launched an all-out assault on the privacy and security of approximately 2,700 concealed handgun license holders in several Northern Ohio counties by publishing their private information - information which Ohio legislators have deemed confidential. In doing so, Editor Westerhold unilaterally made this...

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? (Who will guard the guardians?)

In a recent editorial , the Sandusky Register argued that ALL government information should be public and appears to support the idea that government shouldn’t be able to keep some information private. This argument is a red herring, designed to mask an anti-gun political agenda that involves targeting citizens who have a legal concealed handgun license (CHL) by publishing their name, age, and...

Bloomberg attacks nation's law enforcement officers

By Chad D. Baus The nation's police and law enforcement organizations are flies in anti-gun, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's ointment, and the potential third party presidential hopeful isn't taking it well. Recently, Bloomberg launched , in hopes of framing his latest gun control scheme in those terms. His efforts have been seriously undermined, however, by...

American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA) tries to bully the NRA

By Larry S. Moore American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA) is clearly a master at the imitation game. As reported by Dave Workman in Gun Week on May 1, the organization rode into St. Louis on the coattails of the NRA Convention using the same type of deception the organization is known for in attempting to lure NRA members to their organization. The information all came to light when AHSA...

Acting Director of ATF: Don't buy Bloomberg claims about firearms trace data

By Michael J. Sullivan During the past several weeks, numerous questions and articles have arisen in the media, regarding the ability of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to share firearms trace data among members of the law-enforcement community. With the recent tragic events surrounding the senseless criminal use of firearms; I felt the need to clarify this important issue...

National FOP President: Don't buy Bloomberg claims about firearms trace data

The Wichita Eagle By Chuck Canterbury Some of America's mayors, led by Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City and Thomas M. Menino of Boston, would like you to believe that their Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition is about fighting illegal firearms in their cities and across the country. It's not. The principal goal of this coalition is the repeal of language that has repeatedly been passed...


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