Gun Grabbers

20 dead this month in Illinois spree killings, but the state's gun-grabbers will never get it

By Gerard Valentino How long does this have to happen? How many of my home state brethren have to die? When will people like Chicago Mayor Daley and Governor Blagojevich realize they are leaving their citizens at the whim of thugs and the deranged? The sad truth is they will never get it – they will never learn that their draconian gun policies don’t work. Chicago leads the nation in murders...

Barack Obama and gun rights: When is "Support" Not Support?

By Ken Hanson, Esq. Barak Obama continues his attempt to be all things to all people by claiming in an Associated Press interview that he supports the individual right to bear firearms. The interview was conducted in the immediate aftermath of the Northern Illinois shootings. What is astounding to me is that the reporter, Nedra Pickler, presents that pro-gun position as the premise of the story (...

Who is attacking the Second Amendment in the D.C. gun case, and what can you do about it?

By Ken Hanson, Esq. At some point in your day, you, like me, probably wonder “Have I done all I can do to be a pain in the hind end of those who oppose my gun rights?” The answer, of course, is “no.” Fortunately, it is easy to take some immediate and long term actions to irritate those opposed to your rights. Most steps are as simple as “vendor selection” decisions you make daily. An interesting...

Gun grabbers' gun violence grade cards; Media ignores trend of higher grades for more violent states

By Chad D. Baus & Dean Rieck The Brady Campaign has released its annual "State Report Cards," scoring the states according to their gun control laws. What is most curious about this ranking is that, once again, there is an obsessive focus on guns rather than on crime. If anti-gun groups talk about crime at all, it's always focused specifically on "gun crime," as if getting killed by a gun is...

Free Chicago! (Has a massacre happened in YOUR gun free zone today?)

By Gerard Valentino Five more of my hometown brethren were killed this weekend, just outside Chicago at a Lane Bryant clothing store in Tinley Park. Unlike many cities, Chicago’s suburban population never admits they are from Cicero, or Naperville, or Westmont, they always say they are from Chicago. Many old northern cities have evolved to the point where the main city became irrelevant, like...

Castle Doctrine: Interested party hearing in Senate brings out the gun ban extremists

Wednesday was another great day for pro-gun, pro-self-defense, and good people of Ohio. SB184, known as Castle Doctrine, received a third hearing and the anti-gun, anti-self defense, anti-crime victim social do-gooders had their say. While anyone would have a hard time explaining and defending their view of the world, the people they chose looked more inept than ever.

Brady Center calls for ban on popular hunting ammo

By Jeff Riley In the wake of two mass shootings in Colorado, it is no surprise that the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence is calling for more gun control. They start by falsely claiming that the now expired 1994 "Assault Weapons" ban could have prevent both shootings. Not true, as both the weapons used in the shootings in Omaha and Colorado would not have been banned under the provisions of...

Media abuse of CCW License holders continues

By Tim Inwood Just a little over a week after my article concerning anti-gun bias at Channel 5 in Cincinnati, another abuse of the First Amendment came to my attention. This time it was not in Ohio, but Oregon. I had been watching the case of Shirley Katz from afar, ever since I first heard Neal Boortz talk about her on his radio show. This poor woman is a public school teacher who lives in...


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