Gun Grabbers

Plan B – The U.S. Senate

by Jim Irvine All gun owners have a vested interest in helping Mitt Romney defeat Barack Obama this November. We must defeat Obama this fall. But just in case we fail, we must also execute a Plan B. The largest and longest-term threat to gun ownership is through the continued appointment of judges who will rule from the bench to deny and revoke your rights. President Obama has already appointed...

CNSNews: Holder Claims Emails Using Words ‘Fast and Furious’ Don’t Refer to Operation Fast and Furious is reporting that Attorney General Eric Holder claimed during congressional testimony Thursday that internal Justice Department emails that use the phrase "Fast and Furious" do not refer to the controversial gun-walking operation Fast and Furious. From the article : Under questioning from Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), who read excerpts of the emails at a House Judiciary Committee...

Headline: House Panel Debates Bill To Ease Regulations On Gun Owners

The Gongwer News Service is reporting on the second hearing on HB495 (Reciprocity & Concealed Carry Modernization), which was held yesterday before the House Committee on State Government and Elections. According to the article, gun rights advocates urged members of the committee to ease restrictions on concealed carry licensees, while opponents warned the bill would bring Ohio's firearm...

Contrary to editoral opinion, the greatest threat to GOP candidates in November would be FAILING to pass needed pro-gun reforms

by Jim Irvine On May 12, The Cleveland Plain Dealer published an editorial by Brent Larkin entitled "GOP state legislators' zeal for guns could wound Romney." The editorial is wrong on so many levels that at first I didn't even think it was worthy of a comment. I have since reconsidered, figuring that good men should not remain silent, lest others not have the opportunity to learn the truth... "Video Spoof Shows True HSUS Agenda"

Despite its name, the Humane Society of the United States is not affiliated with your local humane society. HSUS doesn't run a single pet shelter and gives only one percent of its budget to local shelters. This is news to most Americans. According to public polling, about 70 percent of Americans mistakenly believe that HSUS is a pet shelter "umbrella group" and that HSUS gives most of its money...

Cleveland Plain Dealer: "Whatever happened to concerns about patrons carrying guns in bars...?"

by Chad D. Baus The Cleveland Plain Dealer publishes a weekly column entitled "Whatever happened to . . .?", updating some of the most newsworthy and interesting local stories covered in that newspaper. On Sunday, May 27, they tackled the following question: Whatever happened to concerns about patrons carrying guns in bars after Ohio legislators adopted a new law last year? Hmmm...yeah, what did...

Latest Violence Policy Center press release debunked: Comparing motor vehicle and firearm deaths is ridiculous

by Ken Hanson, Esq. The Violence Policy Center, an anti-gun group funded almost exclusively by the anti-gun Joyce Foundation, issued a May 22, 2012 press release entitled "Gun Deaths Outpace Motor Vehicle Deaths in 10 States in 2009 New Analysis Shows." This press release attempts to make the argument that consumer safety regulations have reduced motor vehicle deaths, and the lack of firearm...

Four simple truths about Florida's Zimmerman-Martin case that aren't being discussed by the media

by Don Kates The shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman has been the subject of enormous confusion, not only because the facts are not entirely clear, but more because of public misunderstanding of the relevant law. I hope the following will help clarify things. 1. IT'S NOT THE JOB OF THE POLICE TO INTERRUPT CRIMES AND DEFEND CITIZENS. The police exist to do two things ONLY: patrol...


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