Gun Grabbers

Dick Lugar, "The Most Anti-Gun Republican in the U.S. Senate," suffers landslide defeat in GOP primary

by Chad D. Baus Senator Dick Lugar, who has been described as the most anti-gun Republican in the U.S. Senate, has suffered a landslide defeat in the Indiana state Republican primary. He was defeated on Tuesday by state Treasurer Richard Mourdock, who MSNBC reports was backed by groups ranging from the National Rifle Association to local Tea Party activists to the Washington-based fiscal...

Questions that should have been asked at anti-gun press conference

Editor's Note - The following op-ed originally appeared at . Republished with permission. by Maggie Thurber | Ohio Watchdog Democrats used an upcoming Republican fundraiser to attack Second Amendment rights and other gun laws in Ohio. Reps. Ted Celeste and Tracy Maxwell Heard (Democrats from the Columbus area) held a press conference Thursday where they blasted Rep...

The Shrinking 'Vast Majority": NSSF Responds to ATF Mexican Trace Report

By Larry Keane ATF [recently] released a report on firearms submitted by the government of Mexico for tracing since 2007. One screaming headline referred to the "Vast Majority of Mexican Crime Guns Originate in U.S. New ATF Trace Data Reveals." If you have been following the issue of Mexican gun traces on this blog, you will realize the truth is a rapidly shrinking "Vast Majority" and the so-...

Op-Ed: Stand Your Ground makes sense

These are sane laws that protect people by John Lott Call them what you will: "Stand Your Ground" or "Castle Doctrine" laws. Mayor Bloomberg and members of Congress, speaking on the House floor, go so far as to label them "shoot first" laws. This is a gross exaggeration — a slander, in fact, against legislation designed to reform a flaw in our treatment of self-defense. Earlier statutes...

“Turn Tail and Run” Law Proposed

Editor's Note: We typically reserve our satirical posts for April Fool's Day, but this one is too good to pass up. by Evan F. Nappen Washington, D.C. - Senator Lousenburg (D. NJ) has filed the "Turn Tail and Run" (TTR) bill in the U.S. Senate which, if passed, would preempt ALL State "Stand Your Ground" (SYG) laws. The new bill would impose a national duty to retreat at all times when one...

Does YOUR financial institution support your Second Amendment rights?

by Chad D. Baus Two recent pieces of news drive home the importance of making sure that your bank respects your Second Amendment rights. Earlier this month, McMillan Group International, LLC announced that Bank Of America had severed ties with their company specifically because, in the years since they'd opened their accounts, McMillan had transitioned into a firearms manufacturing role. From a...

"Change" one vote at a time

by Sean Maloney, Esq. But I'm only one person; what can I do? The statement that "I'm only one person; my vote doesn't mean anything" has been discredited over and over again by razor-thin election victories throughout history. Remember "hanging chads" or "dimpled chads"? My point is, don't underestimate what you, one person, can do to change the outcome of, well, the world. Take this year's...

Buckeye Firearms Association Responds to Attack on Representative Conditt's "Shooting" Fundraiser

Several Democrats have joined with a gun control group to publicly attack State Representative Margy Conditt (Liberty Township, District 55) because of a fundraising event she has scheduled for May 12 at the Middletown Sportsmens Club where participants will have the opportunity to shoot GUNS. The group linked her fundraiser to a recent Ohio shooting where three students died and called her...


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