Gun Grabbers

On the Second Amendment, Obama Budget Tells All

Barack Obama's careful effort to hide his anti-Second Amendment agenda is starting to come undone. The latest evidence is found in the budget he sent to Congress this past week. As we reported last fall, NRA was very successful in having a number of provisions included in the annual spending bills that are important protections for our rights. Obama grudgingly signed the Fiscal Year 2012 spending...

The problem of smuggling guns south of the border is solved!

by Chad D. Baus The Houston, Texas CBS affilate is reporting that on February 17, Mexico President Felipe Calderon held yet another press conference in which he blamed America's Second Amendment for his adminstrations's failure to control its drug cartels. From the article : "Dear friends of the United States, Mexico needs your help to stop this terrible violence that we're suffering," Calderon...

Fast & Furious was not a "botched" operation

by Sean Maloney It's important that we clean up the vernacular being used by all involved when discussing Fast & Furious. Specifically, "Botched"; the botched investigation; the botched operation; botched attempt to track firearms that were permitted to "walk" into Mexico. There was nothing "botched" about this whole thing. We must stress the true purpose of Fast & Furious. It was a U.S.-...

End of an Error: Canadian gun registry to be dismantled

by Jim Shepherd It was a government boondoggle from the very beginning. It cost multiples of the budgeted funding, ran years behind in development, caused nothing but problems for law-abiding citizens and, as it has come to an inauspicious end, has failed to save even one life. Sounds like business-as-usual in Washington, doesn't it? Fortunately, this boondoggle wasn't "made in America" it was...

After Bloomberg's latest antics, it's time to take the gloves off

by Tim Inwood I will tolerate these idiots in silence no more. Perhaps it is a passage of time issue that eventually the curmudgeon gene emerges and takes hold in most men. I find the older I get the less patience I have with idiots. Nor do I have the desire to be tactful in expressing my views about them. I let it all hang out these days, just like the late Andy Rooney. This is exactly the...

Boehner allegations fast & furious, but also false

by Sean Maloney In recent days allegations have been made in a number of Internet publications that Speaker of the House John Boehner was somehow sabotaging the Fast and Furious probe. Any number of reasons were given for Speaker Boehner's opposition to the Oversight Committee investigation, all of which are false. When I first came across these allegations, I was confident they were not true. I...

Diminishing the Constitution

It is certainly no surprise for gun owners to see the New York Times run a story belittling the United States Constitution. After all, the Times has worked for decades to devalue our founding document. "[I]ts influence is waning," opines the Times . It is "terse and old, and it guarantees relatively few rights." The paper faults the Constitution for being difficult to amend and reflective of the...

David Brock, Media Matters and gun control hypocrisy

"George Soros and a lot of groups connected to gun control are funding this group, and they wouldn't be too happy that an employee of Media Matters was carrying a gun, especially when it was illegal in D.C." by John Lott David, say it isn't so! The news from the Daily Caller website is surprising: David Brock, the founder of Media Matters, had a personal assistant illegally publicly carry a...


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