Gun Grabbers

Anti-Gun Justice Becomes Victim of Armed Robbery

by Michael Filozof Ah, yes. There is such a thing as "poetic justice" after all! It seems that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, a 1994 Clinton appointee, was the victim of an armed home-invasion robbery in his vacation home on St. Kitts and Nevis. (Read the report at ) Breyer voted against the majority in two recent...

Activating the Second Amendment Grassroots Movement

by Joel Friedman I, like most of you, have been watching and reading about the events of our country over the last several years and again, like most of you, I have been thinking about what it all means. I have read some really fantastic articles and posts and have thought about them as they relate to our firearms rights, the elections, the Supreme Court nominations and the next 20 years. I am...

Nationwide Starbucks "reverse boycott", or BUYcott, brings in many generous customers

by Chad D. Baus On February 14, 2012 gun rights advocates across the country provided an economic stimulus to their local Starbucks stores. The effort came together in response to the January 23 announcement that of a Valentine's Day boycott scheduled by an anti-self-defense group calling itself the "National Gun Victim's Action Council." The group is demanding that Starbucks, which takes a...

Gun smuggling on Bloomberg’s watch - but he wasn’t watching

by "Buckeye" Dan Allen New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is arguably one of the most vocal and visible public figures in the anti-gun community. Billionaire Bloomberg and his organization of city mayors are known for promoting tougher federal, state, and local gun regulation. Bloomberg and the group MAIG (Mayors Against Illegal Guns) can regularly be found in the media spotlight criticizing...

Major gun heist at Ohio gun store proves background checks can't stop criminals from getting guns

by Chad D. Baus WCMH, Columbus' NBC affiliate, is reporting that police are investigating a break-in in which approximately 80 firearms were stolen from a Central Ohio shooting range as well as boxes of ammunition. Thieves knocked a hole through a cinder block wall to gain access to The Powder Room, which is located in Powell. According to the report, this wasn't the first time thieves have...

Bloomberg's "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" Super Bowl Super Stunt

Vitriolic anti-gun mayor Michael Bloomberg (I-NYC) and his gun control group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), are paying for their 30 seconds of fame. According to a New York Times piece before the game, Bloomberg [was scheduled to] join his gun-grabbing cohort, Mayor Tom Menino of Boston (D), in a Super Bowl-themed ad calling for more gun control laws. Despite his billions in personal wealth...

Holder testifies on “Fast and Furious”; Reiterates Obama administration's support for renewing Clinton-era gun ban

On Thursday, February 2, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee regarding his role in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' gun running operation known as "Fast and Furious." During the hearing, Holder continued to deny any foreknowledge of the botched operation. Representative Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), chairman of...

Silent during Strickland years, Ohio State Highway Patrol inserts itself in concealed carry debate once again

by Chad D. Baus The Marietta Times is reporting that the Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) is voicing concerns about HB422 , legislation that seeks to repeal requirements that a concealed carry licensee inform an approaching law enforcement officer that the licensee is a licensee and is carrying a concealed handgun. From the article : House Bill 422, jointly sponsored by Reps. Ron Maag, R-Lebanon...


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