Gun Grabbers

Obama officially, publicly calls for new gun control; [Update: NRA responds]

by Chad D. Baus On Sunday, March 13, 2011, the president of the United States began publicly call for new gun control limits against law-abiding citizens in hopes of curtailing the behavior of the lawless. Gun rights activists have known this day was coming since the day Barack Obama won his party's nomination (and since John McCain won his). In an op-ed published in the Arizona Daily Star ,...

In America Today, a Gun Saved a Life

Editor's Note: This commentary was also published recently at . by Gerard Valentino Statistics tell us that today, somewhere in America, a gun saved someone's life. The person alive because they chose to own a gun and use it for self-defense might be a teacher, or a factory worker, or a computer programmer. Unlike the mainstream media portrayal of gun owners, they are not all...

Op-Ed: Banning guns is not the answer

[Editor's Note: In 2006, a woman who identified herself as representing the NCJW testified against legislation which eventually codified Ohio's statewide preemption law . Just last week, the NCJW testified against HB45, Ohio's Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix legislation .] by Kenneth S. Kabb The National Council of Jewish Women's thinly disguised polemic in the article "Reforming gun safety...

Gun 'buy back' minister charged with kidnapping, assault

by Chad D. Baus The Akron Beacon-Journal recently reported that a local minister had been charged with felonious assault, kidnapping and abduction after allegedly of speeding off in his Lexus with a repo man on hood. Falzini said that while he was standing in front of the car reporting the repossession to Akron police, Neal got inside and turned the key. "I said, 'Hey what are you doing?' And he...

Poll Reveals Most Voters Oppose Additional Gun Control

According to a recent poll, conducted by Zogby International and The O'Leary Report, and reported on, since the tragedy in Arizona, Americans' support for their Second Amendment rights show no signs of weakening. In fact, the poll--conducted just 10 days after the President's State of the Union speech--shows that, if anything, voters have become more supportive of their Second...

Spotlight on ATF "gunwalker" scandal ratchets up pace of criminal investigation into agent's death

by Jim Shepherd Although the administration's not admitting it, the heat put on the Attorney General's office regarding the widening "gunwalker" scandal may be ratcheting up the pace in rounding up the criminals involved in the arms smuggling disaster. On Wednesday, three men were arrested in connection with the smuggled firearms that ended the life of Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE)...

The biggest gun control myth is trotted out again in debate over restaurant carry in Ohio

by Gerard Valentino Whenever gun reform bills are debated around the country the anti-gun leaders are quick to trot out the same tired predictions that the next step to looser gun laws will lead to mayhem. The fact that none of the predictions come true isn't enough to dissuade them from making the same predictions when the next gun reform legislation is introduced. In Ohio, restaurant and car...

Media jumps on ATF gun-running scandal, but pro-gun bloggers deserve credit for breaking the story

by Jim Shepherd With Attorney General Eric Holder having failed to respond to Senator Charles Grassley's questions regarding "Project Gunwalker" inside Grassley's February 23 deadline, it looks like the story continues to heat up. Fortunately, for everyone except the Justice Department (although we're all going to find the investigation distasteful when it finally does begin), the story is not...


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