Gun Grabbers

Op-Ed: After Tucson, Stricter Gun Laws Aren't the Answer

by Dan Baum It's tempting, after a hideous event like the shooting in Tucson, to want to "do something" about gun violence. But let's pause to consider what that something could be, and what price we might pay for doing it. Much has been made of Arizona's notoriously lax gun laws. But Arizona law was irrelevant to Jared Loughner's purchasing the gun. The background check is federal, and he passed...

The Pro-Gun Rights Movement: The Tea Party before the Tea Party

by Gerard Valentino Quite often when a pro-gun advocate brings up the gun issue, politically-astute friends roll their eyes and try to shut down debate. It could be because many gun owners are single-minded, or because some of the right, including many Republicans, realize they missed the boat on the issue. We can't forget, however, that the gun movement was the precursor to the Tea Party and to...

BATFE proposes ban on importation of "military-style" shotguns; Deadline for submission of comments is May 1

by Jim Shepherd Last week, the ATF released a study regarding the importability of certain shotguns. It might behoove anyone who believes that the United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA), Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) or International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) are sporting communities to chime in on this latest bit of research. They're accepting comments through...

Op-ed: Gun Control Emotions vs. Gun Control Facts

by John R. Lott Just 24 hours after the shooting in Tucson, politicians were calling for more gun control. And the drumbeat has continued. On Sunday, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., called for using the information supplied on people's applications to join the military to determine whether they will be banned from buying guns. Sens.Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Richard Lugar, R-Ind., promised a new...

Report: Obama to give presidential address on gun control

President Obama did not, as gun control extremists hoped he would, take the opportunity of a State of the Union address so closely following the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona to push the issue of gun control. Following the State of the Union address, MSNBC's Chris Matthews broke the news that Obama is planning a special address on the issue in the near...

Cleveland police union president & Plain Dealer editorial board claim shootout with felon proves need for more gun control

by Chad D. Baus 23-year-old Glenn Proctor was killed last week in a shootout with police, despite a gun control law that prohibited the felon from even possessing a firearm, despite a gun control law the prohibits shooting a firearm in city limits, despite a law that prohibits shooting at police, despite laws against attempted murder, etc. etc. etc. Despite all the gun control laws that were...

Op-Ed: We Are All Funding Anti-Hunting Groups

Extremist environmental groups often get their legal fees reimbursed by the federal government under the Equal Justice Act. By David Hart How would you like to make a donation to the anti-hunting movement? You wouldn’t, of course, but like it or not, you already have. In 2007, for example, $280,000 of your tax dollars went directly to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)—the nation’s...

Urban editorial boards argue 2nd Amendment should be applied differently depending on where one lives, so what about the 1st?

by Gerard Valentino & Ken Hanson On December 29, 2010, the Ohio Supreme Court once again upheld statewide preemption of gun laws, in essence knocking Ohio's cities out of the gun control business. The Ohio establishment media is attacking this ruling, not because of the substance of the ruling, but because it is a win for gun owners. In an attempt to disguise these editorials as something...


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