Gun Grabbers

New gun range plan at Marietta community college not dead, but many hurdles still ahead

The Marietta Times is reporting that while proposed plan to build an outdoor gun range at Washington State Community College isn't dead, but those involved say there are numerous hurdles to overcome before it could happen. A meeting in early December about the proposed range, which would be located on a hill beyond the college's lower parking lot, yielded anger and concerns about safety from...

Op-Ed: The Arizona Shootings, Gun Violence Research and the Facts vs. The New York Times

by John Lott You know you're doing something right when two New York Times columnists, Gail Collins and Nicholas Kristof, attack your research on the same day. Kristof followed up on criticism leveled earlier in the week by others writing for The Times . I must have said something substantial enough to warrant this attention. Let us check the facts. Gail Collins worries that law-abiding citizens...

Report: Obama admin. reconsidering ban on importation of historical M1 rifles from South Korea

The Outdoor Wire has learned the United States Department of State is reconsidering last year's decision to block the importation of World War II rifles from the Republic of Korea. Citing concerns over the proposed demilitarization and disposal of 850,000 surplus M1 Garand rifles and M1 Carbines, the State Department had rescinded authorization for the transfer, saying the decision was based on...

The Tragedy Litmus Test – Another Failure of the Anti-Gun Culture

by Gerard Valentino The tragic events in Arizona are an unfortunate litmus test to see if the anti-gun community will truly use any tragedy for political gain. Based on the actions of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, it is clear the anti-gun community failed such a test in a horrible fashion. Just a few...

Arizona Shooting Leads to Repeat of Inaccuracies

by Jim Shepherd Last weekend's shooting rampage in Arizona was a senseless crime against decency, and totally without reason. Trying to portray the actions of an obviously disturbed twenty-two year old shooter as anything other than the actions of a lunatic simply don't wash. Despite the fact it appears the attack was planned and executed, no sane individual would set out on a Saturday morning...

Loose cannons in the media are wrong to place blame for Tucson attack on anyone but the killer

by Chad D. Baus Within minutes of learning of the tragic mass murder in Tuscon, Arizona last Saturday, the establishment media began shooting from the hip on who they thought was to blame. They knew nothing about the killer, but it was clear they were cocked and ready with a template that fit their jaded view of anyone who owns a gun. Reporters were loaded for bear. Without even a shred of proof...

White House Delays Multiple Sales Reporting Requirement for Long Guns

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) is reporting that an ATF proposal to require federally licensed firearms retailers to report multiple sales of rifles has been placed on hold by the White House amid stiff opposition from the firearms industry and NRA. Specifically, the ATF requirement calls for firearm retailers to report multiple sales, or other dispositions, of two or more semi-...

Arizona Shootings: Next to the killer, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann was the Worst Person of the Day

by Gerard Valentino The attack of a ruthless and mindless killer on Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords, Federal Judge John Roll and a group of innocent bystanders was a terrorist act, just as 9/11 was a terrorist attack. Every American should be outraged and saddened by the cowardly actions of the murderer. Terrorism has many faces and in this case it appears a lone, deranged individual...


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