Gun Grabbers

Media brings gun issue to forefront in campaign coverage; Latest poll shows gubernatorial race tightening

by Chad D. Baus For much of the 2010 campaign season, the economy has dominated voters' thoughts as to their plans for the voting booth - far outweighing factors that often make the difference in close elections. But with The Dayton Daily News reporting that poll numbers between John Kasich and Ted Strickland have closed to within just four points , the gun issue could again become a deciding...

Police charge five "legal" open carry citizens in Wisconsin - victims need your support

by Ken Hanson UPDATE: Our supporters have once again shattered all of our expectations. The $2,500 dollar matching fund was exhausted in just a few hours. We have already written a check for $7,500 to help the victims fight this police harassment. If you wish to donate to Buckeye Firearms Foundation's general fund for future cases please visit: UPDATE #2: Wisconsin...

Cleveland announces "voluntary" handgun registration - help us tell them "NO!"

According to, "Cleveland residents who want to register their handguns can do so 24 hours a day, seven days a week." Let that idea sink in for a moment. Cleveland has launched a voluntary handgun registration program. For what purpose? Are they expecting criminals to register their guns? Not likely. And if any law-abiding citizens register, what will authorities do with the information?...

Obama reveals anti-gun U.N. intent: Sends ex-Seattle mayor as Rep

The appointment of anti-gun rights former Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels as an alternate representative to the United Nations has removed any doubt about the Obama administration's intentions regarding global gun control initiatives, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. Nickels, a founding member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns and the author of Seattle's failed...

Husted campaign issues Second Amendment-related campaign flyer comparing differences with his opponent

by Chad D. Baus State Sen. Jon Husted, former Speaker of the House and current Republican candidate for Ohio Secretary of State, has begun distributing literature designed to inform voters about the stark difference between himself and his Democrat opponent on the issue of gun rights. The flyer begins by pointing out Sen. Husted's strong grading and endorsement resume from gun rights groups: "...

The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, No. 90 - Hidden Firearms Threat

Taken from the most recent "Page Nine", Alan Korwin's "The Uninvited Ombudsman Report" -------- 1- Hidden Firearms Threat The lamestream media told you: Nothing. The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that: The two plants that make smokeless powder in the U.S. are the General Dynamics plant in St. Marks, Florida (manufactures for Hogdon and Winchester, plus military contracts), and the Alliant...

Two anti-gun editorials won't change surge of public support for gun rights

by Gerard Valentino The Columbus Dispatch and The Toledo Blade editorial boards have recently ramped up their anti-gun rhetoric with two editorials attacking Ohio's pro-gun community. One spoke out against a bill that would make it illegal for employers to ban guns locked in personally owned vehicles while at work ( The Columbus Dispatch , " Taking guns to work "), and the other attacked Ohio's...

The importance of elected officials on full display during opponent testimony to SB239 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix)

by Ken Hanson Esq. Regular readers of our website are familiar with the refrain "elections matter." Buckeye Firearms Association feels that elections are the most important component of firearm rights: without pro-gun legislators, prosecutors, judges and law enforcement, your fundamental right to own firearms and your fundamental right to self-defense are in constant peril. To give the reader an...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.