Gun Grabbers

Investigative report proves failure of Chicago's gun control policies

By Gerard Valentino The Chicago Sun-Times is running an investigative report on the 59 hours of violence that took place over an unforgettable April weekend in 2008. When the dust settled, 40 Chicagoans were added to the countless victims of the unrelenting violence that has long plagued the city. While Mayor Richard Daley blames guns, and gun dealers, for his inability to stop the carnage, The...

More Lead Ban Efforts Are an Assault on Our Second Amendment Rights and Freedom to Hunt

by Larry S. Moore More efforts are being aimed at eliminating lead - or are they simply aimed at our enjoyment of the shooting sports, fishing and outdoor recreation? Is the motivation behind the latest effort a real safety and environmental concern or is it a back-door attempt to ban firearms from our national parks? We saw efforts to roll back the right to carry in our national parks based on...

NRA Statement on Elena Kagan's Confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court

Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President, National Rifle Association & Chris W. Cox, Executive Director, National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action On Thursday, August 05, 2010, the U.S. Senate confirmed Elena Kagan to the highest Court in the land. To NRA members and gun owners nationwide, Ms. Kagan presents a clear and present danger to the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Her...

Strickland campaign seeks to educate voters on Kasich's anti-gun record

Governor Ted Strickland's re-election campaign, under the banner Sportsmen for Strickland, has released two pieces of campaign literature aimed at Ohio's pro-gun voters. The first piece features a photograph of a camo-clad Strickland and his brother Roger standing next to a pickup trick holding shotguns. The caption reads "Ted and his brother Roger have enjoyed the outdoors their whole lives."...

NSSF Action Alert: Oppose Petition to Ban Traditional Ammunition

All Gun Owners, Hunters and Shooters, The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) -- the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry -- urges you to contact the Environmental Protection Agency to oppose a petition filed August 3 by the extremist Center for Biological Diversity to ban traditional ammunition. Your right to choose the ammunition you hunt...

Anti-gun Columbus judge's comment elicits no outrage from sympathetic media

by Gerard Valentino The Columbus Dispatch ran an article this past week that included a quote which illustrates the insidious nature of the anti-gun mindset. The article in question covered the sentencing of two men who were convicted of having a gun in a bar. While letting the two convicted criminals know their fate, Common Pleas Judge John F. Bender stated: "If I had my way, handguns would be...

Washington Times: "Kagan's Snowe job on gun rights"

Obama nominee is a threat to the Second Amendment The more it looks like the Senate will confirm Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court, the more gun owners should worry. Yesterday, Sen. Olympia J. Snowe of Maine became the fourth Republican to stand behind President Obama's nominee on the phony basis that Ms. Kagan supports gun rights. Mrs. Snowe explained in a press release that, "as a longtime,...

Provenance of anti-gun Lee Fisher quote undetermined; Fisher's record as anti-gun politican is fact

by Chad D. Baus The Cleveland Plain Dealer , in partnership with, has begun a new series "addressing the claims, ads and statements of players in the political world." According to the newspaper, "political reporters, assisted by news researchers at times, will review the bills and statistics that are cited. They'll examine data and studies to see if they back up the claims, and...


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