Guns in the News

Headline: Paraplegic man kills intruder during Johnstown home break-in

The Newark Advocate is reporting that a paraplegic man is alive today thanks to the .357 revolver he keeps near his bed. From the article : John Mutter was asleep in his bed on Sunset Drive when an intruder poked him in the head with a shotgun. Mutter, a paraplegic who keeps a gun nearby for protection, fatally shot the intruder, early Sunday, Licking County Coroner's investigator George Ridgeway...

Yet another mass murder in "gun free" zone, but media fails to take note

by Chad D. Baus There is still much to be learned about the events that unfolded in that Aurora, CO Cinemark movie theatre early Friday morning, July 20, but as the media looks for answers, they are once again either missing or ignoring something that is consistent time and again with these multiple victim public shootings - they almost always happen in places where guns are banned. From...

Headline: Pro-gun group uses Chicago firearms buyback program to fund shooting camp for kids

by Chad D. Baus reported recently that a pro-gun group "flipped the script" on Chicago's firearms buyback program by selling old, broken rifles to the city and then using the money to buy guns and ammo for an NRA-sponsored shooting camp for kids. From the article : "Guns Save Life," based in Champaign, Ill., recently sold 60 firearms to the Chicago Police Department -- 10 of which...

Dept. of Defense again attempts to trample on Second Amendment rights of returning U.S. military troops

by Linda Walker If it was not enough that Marines were forced to disarm at their base at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan this past March when Defense Secretary Leon Panetta paid a visit, I read with personal interest an article in regard to depressed returning troops recently posted at, entitled " DoD Could Renew Push to Restrict Personal Weapons ." According to the article "The...

Columbus pizza delivery driver with concealed handgun license defends against robbers

WCMH (NBC Columbus) is reporting that a pizza delivery driver shot at two people who attempted to rob him on Monday evening. From the article : According to police, the Padova's Pizza Delivery driver was delivering a pizza when two men armed with shotguns approached him, in the 3000 block of Hatfield Dr., at about 11:45 p.m. Monday. The driver, who was licensed to carry a gun, told the men to...

Are environmentalists' anti-gun policies to blame for wildfires in the West?

by Chad D. Baus The headlines have echoed across the country: "Guns blamed for starting wildfires in parched West" According to the Associated Press, officials believe target shooting or other firearms use sparked at least 21 wildfires in Utah and nearly a dozen in Idaho. Shooting is also believed to have caused fires in Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. In Utah, the AP says Republican Gov. Gary...

Fast and Furious will prove worse than Watergate

by Tim Inwood A few days ago Obama spokesman Jay Carney tried to tie Bush era operations like Wide Receiver with Operation Fast and Furious. If you watch something other than MSNBC you would know there is little in common between the Bush era operations and what Obama/Holder did. The fact is, in the other cases they were run like any other classic police show set up you have ever seen. Whether it...

Op-Ed: Fast and Furious Is Not a D.C. Law Firm

by Ann Coulter Most Americans don't care about whether Attorney General Eric Holder is hiding Fast and Furious documents because they don't understand the story. Until someone can tell us otherwise, there is only one explanation for why President Obama's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives gave thousands of guns to Mexican drug dealers: It put guns in their hands...


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