Guns in the News

NRA sounds the warning about U.N. Arms Treaty

Publicly, the Obama administration has played down its antipathy toward the Second Amendment. Privately, however, it has supported the single most dangerous anti-gun idea we have seen in our lifetime: The U.N. Arms Treaty, which carries the threat of doing an end run around the Constitution, allowing international gun-grabbing busybodies to attack the rights of law-abiding gun owners here in the...

Ohio CHL-holder files civil rights suit against Canton officer who threatened to execute him

by Chad D. Baus William Bartlett, an Ohio concealed handgun license (CHL)-holder, has filed a civil rights lawsuit in federal court against the City of Canton, the Canton police department, and against Daniel Harless and other officers involved in his arrest and prosecution for supposedly failing to promptly notify officers that he had a CHL. On June 8, 2011, Ohio concealed handgun license (CHL)-...

Op-Ed: D-Day for gun control

by Dick Morris Without much fanfare and with as little publicity as possible, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will go to New York City to sign the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), now in the final stages of negotiation at the U.N. The treaty marks the beginning of an international crusade to impose gun controls on the United States and repeal our Second Amendment rights. The ATT is...

Contempt citation prompts Attorney Gen. Eric "Fast & Furious" Holder to unseal indictment charging five in Brian Terry's death

by Chad D. Baus In the wake of the BATFE's gun walking operation "Fast & Furious," which led to the death of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, and the subsequent cover-up by Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama, which has led to Holder being found in contempt of Congress less than two weeks ago, Holder has suddenly decided it would be a good idea to look like he...

Lucas Co. sheriff's deputies proven to be unaware of certain provisions in Ohio's CCW law

Demand for out-of-state licenses proves need for passage of HB495 by Chad D. Baus Although Ohio's concealed handgun license law has been in place since April 2004, it appears the folks at the Lucas County sheriff's office are just now discovering some of the finer details of the law. From The Toledo Blade : Lucas County sheriff's deputies recently responded to a call of a man with a gun. What...

92 year-old shoots police officer as he was making forced entry into her Toledo home after responding to her 911 call

by Chad D. Baus The recent shooting of a police officer in Toledo is prompting interesting discussions about the Second Amendment rights of elderly citizens, confiscation of firearms by police, and even Ohio's Castle Doctrine law. 92 year-old Annie Huddleston's home is in a neighborhood that is riddled with crime - the sounds of gun shots can be heard regularly, streets are lined with overgrown...

Google’s Anti-gun Policy

by Larry Keane Google, a company that should know better than to censor the flow of online information, has chosen to ban search results related to firearms and other products it deems not "family safe" in its Google Shopping function. Until recently, gun-related products appeared just like other products in search results, giving shoppers a powerful price-comparison tool. But not anymore. Google...

Fast & Furious: No prosecution for Holder; Wiretapping suggests top-level knowledge; Key player in Clinton Gun Ban ran the op!

by Chad D. Baus Lost in the chaos that ensued over Justice John Roberts' decision to join the liberals and uphold Obamacare last Thursday morning was news of what occurred that very afternoon. Namely, that for the first time in American history, a sitting Attorney General was found by the United States House of Representatives to be in contempt of Congress. The vote came as a result of Eric...


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