National Politics

And They Call Us Paranoid: Obama administration labels millions upon millions of Americans as 'rightwing extremists'

By Jeff Knox The federal government's latest warning to police agencies about "rightwing extremists" is an outrage and adds fuel to an increasingly troubling situation. The report, titled, " Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment " was produced by the Extremism and Radicalization Branch, Homeland Environment Threat Analysis...

President Obama's Secretary of Education rounds out anti-gun cabinet

With President Barack Obama's Cabinet reading like a "who's who" of gun-ban advocates, it's difficult to say which member is the most anti-gun. That is, until you meet Arne Duncan. By Dave Kopel Who is the most extreme anti-gun member of President Barack Obama’s Cabinet? That's sort of like asking who is the greatest quarterback in the Pro Football Hall of Fame--there are so many strong choices,...

A visual display: Just how high are firearms sales climbing?

By Mike Budzynski On the April 5th, 2009 I had the chance to attend the Buckeye Blast at the Tactical Defense Institute (TDI) for a great day of shooting and getting to know fellow gun enthusiast. Inevitably, when you get more than two gun owners together, the debate over polymer frames vs. steel frames, manufactures, and caliber are sure to raise a few friendly disagreements that we all take in...

Around the Fireams Industry: Not everyone is running 24/7

By Jim Shepherd While the entire outdoor segment mirrors the general miasma of American industry and commerce (business generally stinks), there are some commonly accepted points being accepted as fact. In fact, they're not all dead on target. First, the commonly accepted belief that the entire firearms category is going like the proverbial house on fire, with gun owners and speculators buying...

Lies, guns and tea: The Obama Media propaganda machine kicks into high gear

Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth. - Franklin D. Roosevelt A lie can run around the world before the truth can get it's boots on. - James Watt A lie told often enough becomes the truth. - Lenin By Jim Shepherd Any of us who believe and defend our right to own firearms know that we face a virtual torrent of half-truths and outright misrepresentations from those who have made the...

FLASH: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules State and Local Governments Subject to Second Amendment

In a bit of a Pyrrhic victory, the 9th Circuit today found that the Second Amendment applies to State and Local districts, joining the 5th Circuit which previously ruled similarly in the Emerson case. At the same time, the Court found that the city's ban of firearms on public property did not violate the Second Amendment. While gun owners might scratch their heads over this "logic", the important...

Media attention focused on firearms

By Jim Shepherd Last week, California Senator Dianne Feinstein said that there would be no big moves to reinstitute the "Assault Weapons Ban" because the "time wasn't right". That, however, doesn't mean the "assault on your weapons we want to ban" has died down on the liberal side of the question. On Sunday April 12, CBS News' Leslie Stahl delivered one of Sixty Minutes ' vaunted hard-hitting...

Op-Ed: Let's All Surrender Our Weapons -- You First!

By Ann Coulter The rash of recent shooting incidents has led people who wouldn't know an AK-47 from a paintball gun to issue demands for more restrictions on guns. To be sure, it's hard to find any factor in these shootings that could be responsible -- other than the gun. So far, this year's public multiple shootings were committed by: -- Richard Poplawski, 23, product of a broken family,...


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